Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Revolution Is Only Televised

With Internet access still on lockdown in Egypt, and as of today a supposed blackout on cell phone signals, those of us who live elsewhere in the world are sitting in our homes, in a coffee shop, at a desk, listening and/or watching a country undergo a revolution in a primarily decent way. Not to negate the 100+ deaths, the week-long rowdy protests, but in general, considering how many revolutions have been the opposite, what we’re witnessing is fairly tame, albeit full of extraordinarily potential sketchy ramifications. Like it or not, President Mubarak has kept Israel and Egypt out of war for 30 years.

It does look daunting over there with visuals of seas of people on the move; however, when a military presence begins flying overhead in waves; when the possibility of being shot for screaming too much in the wrong place at the wrong time exists, things tend to calm down - or become worse. For now, it’s quieter than it’s been. Calm before the storming of the palace doors to grab President Mubarak by the scruff of his neck and drag the man out of his 30 year “Democratic” reign?

Change can be good, depending on who or what is in place to pick up the slack. If anyone thinks what is happening over "there" won't affect what happens "here" - think again. The instability and stability of that region in the world is key to every aspect of our lives in the West. The U.S. in particular is more than in bed with Israel and Egypt, but has dabbled in some kinky machinations over the years on those high thread count middle east sheets just to keep the peace. As it were.

Okay. I weighed-in - lightly - on the main story playing out over the world stage. I've done my bit for the day. Where to find the flog, though?

Oh! Well, we can always count on Charlie who-never-seems-to-lose-his-Sheen, for a good snark. It's now rehab at HIS HOME! That's right. Charlie has a few "privacy" issues (????) and feels more comfy in his lovely abode. I wonder how that's considered "rehab"? Does it mean his nurses must dress as teachers rather than school girls? The legal drugs will be served in a silver cup rather than in a porn star's navel?

I also wonder if he'll be allowed Internet access considering how much the guy loves his online porn. Now, keeping him away from that is going to be quite a revolution.

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