Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Blinders Full of Ca-Ca

Okay. You know what I'm going to write: Mittsky's now-infamous latest tongue-slip - this time from last night's debate: "Binders full of women." That's right. Visualize that comment. Did he mean little blue binders filled with lotsa Little Women scrambling around in a binder, wanting to work for his gubernatorial stint in Massachusetts, or women bound in a bind over how to NOT work for him? Whatever, there went whatever gains he made with women from the First Debate.

Is that man real or is he Vintage Memorex (running on aging recording tape for those of you who do not know what I'm "saying")? Binders aside, he certainly has to be playing Ann's darling Dressage Horse while wearing blinders when wifey and husby get giddy and role-play around the house(s), otherwise, where do these ridiculous remarks come from? Obviously the man doesn't "see" very well; hence, Blinders Of Ca-Ca.

Now on to the Most Important Part Of The Debate: The Moderator, Candy Crowley. Wow! Are Mittsky's peeps more than a bit irked at her because she dared to correct Their Man over his slippery use of Quasi-Non-Facts? Miss Crowley didn't stop there, either. She sent both The Prez and Mr. Once-Perfect to the corner of the room from time to time. Now that's how to run a debate! From now on, based on how well Martha Raddatz did in her VP Debate Moderation, I think women should own that role for a while - just to even-out the lack of women in that position for almost ever until this year?

What about Obama's performance last eve? Thank the Lord Almighty-Righty that someone replaced his run-down batteries so that he could, in effect, trounce over his opponent. Pundits. et al, are talking about the "Alpha Male" attitude he exuded, as well as how he and Romney seemed to almost come to blows with their literal circling of each other as they roamed the stage. What I find so odd is how the Male Pundits are suggesting that such behaviour would be a turn-off to women. Say what? In a general sense, most women want to see "their man" stand up for himself and for them if, for some reason, they don't have the ability to speak for themselves. In fact, The Pundits reciting the idea that it might have been too "rough and tumble" for the wilting flowers of women's delicate sensibilities must not know any Alpha Women. C'mon, guys. We can take it. Perhaps you guys can't? No one who was disappointed in Obama's First Debate wanted to see another round of Mr. Polite and were cheering for him in the ring to knock The Insincere Smile off Mittsky's face.

Did Obama win last night? Yes, particularly when he began to "warm-up" in the last half. He begins slow, then builds to a stronger Sense Of Self as debates and speeches go on. It seems to be a pattern. At first I felt that it was close to a "tie" - however, when he finally found his fire and, thankfully, mentioned Romney's 47% comment, in my view, he walked away with the trophy. Last night. We have one more evening on the horizon of watching Mittsky and The Former Mr. Polite slug it out next week.

That debate, my friends, will be The One to linger on the minds of Undecided Voters; thus its overall importance. Right now we have a reasonably even score. Romney won the first; Obama finally showed-up for The Second and did his job, thus "winning" last evening. I only hope that next time Mr. Obama will answer questions in a direct manner, rather than skirting a few issues, and that Mr. Romney will cease lying and changing his position on almost everything when it suits him politically.

But, am I asking too much of these politicians? We shall see, as I often write/say/snarl/whisper. You know what "they" say: "Three times' a charm."

Have a wonderful, scintillating, day/evening/afternoon/late night/early morning.

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  1. Excellent points. Good recap.

  2. Right on, SZ! Fine overview with the always-cautious tone of how fickle politics can be.

    I shutter to imagine a Ronney presidency more for the fate of the 47% who he will shaft in a second.



  3. How desperate the left is to put so much stock into ridiculous items such as Big Bird and Blinders. The hell with no record to run on, or
    the last four years. Those are the important issues!!

    And as far as Candy Crowley? You've got to be kidding me? She
    interrupted Romney a TOTAL of 28 times (every time he tried to make
    a point) to 9 times for Obama. Obama got over three minutes more
    time that Romney. It wasn't her job to be fact checking, or asking follow up questions. But I think Romney held his own pretty well, being that he had to debate two people......Obama and Crowley.

    It's also very convenient that she just happened to have Obama's rose garden transcript right in front of her when Romney was trying to make a point about the Libya scandal. And I'll bet your left wing media hasn't pointed out to you yet, that AFTER the debate, she said Romney was right. A hell of a lot of good her walking it back did then. John

  4. I rest my case: John

    H/T NewsBusters for highlighting the video of the so-called moderator of the second presidential debate admitting that despite her interruption and attempt at fact checking during the debate, Mitt Romney was right on the Libya issue.


    CANDY CROWLEY: Well, you know, I heard the president speak at the time. I, sort of, reread a lot of stuff about Libya because I knew we’d probably get a Libya question so I kind of wanted to be up on it. So I knew that the president had, had, said, you know, these acts of terror won’t stand or, whatever the whole quote was.

    And I think actually, you know because, right after that I did turn around and say, but you’re totally correct that they spent two weeks telling us this was about a tape and that that there was a, you know, this riot outside the Benghazi consulate which there wasn’t.
    So he was right in the main, I just think he picked the wrong word. And I, you know, they’re going to parse and we all know about what the definition of is is, but, I, uh, you know, in the end, I think John [King]’s probably right. I think this has a lot more to with jobs and the debt crisis and all of that kind of stuff.

    I just think that probably it was one of those moments and I could even feel that here, you know, when you say something you’re not expecting. It’s just that was the natural thing coming out of me going, ‘Actually he did, you know, call it an act of terror.’ Uh, when, you know, half the crowd clapped for that and the other half clapped for ‘But they kept telling us this was a tape, this was caused by a tape’ so, you know, in the main, the thrust of what Governor Romney was saying, which is why I went back and said that, um, but I just think he picked the wrong kind of way to go about talking about it if that makes sense.

    Crowley had determined to interject herself into the actually debate instead of simply being a moderator, well before the debate began as her public statements show, so it is no surprise that she did so. What was surprising was she actually admitted that Romney was right.

  5. P - As always... Thank you!

    John - Not ignoring your posts. Give me a bit of time to process your info. As you may know, I'm a tad on Overwhelm and Overload with personal things.

  6. Just like I comment. John
