Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bayonets For Sale

The oddest thing happened to me last night. I was surfing around the TV Channels and saw two men sitting at a table talking about Foreign Policy without ripping each others' clothes apart. In the middle of the table sat an elderly man who appeared to have some sort of authority as he was asking The Questions - and was fair to both. Imagine that! In addition, one of the guys at the table agreed with the other guys' policies more often than not. I gather it was a debate.

Naturally, being the biased person that I am, I liked what the man with increasingly grey hair had to say - such as his retort to white hair at the sideburns guy on our current Military Defenses: "You mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets." He was on point most of the time. However, everyone has flaws, and he stumbled once or twice. Let's take a look at what The Truth of comments made last evening are all about: (Read Here)

I believe it was The President who showed-up for the debate; however, the Other Guy was a mere shell of himself. Could it be he sent a Look-Alike Proxy to The Last Debate of the Prez Election Cycle? I didn't quite recognize him. Red eyes, very, very pale skin, and a sudden addition of a double chin at various angles. Campaigning can be a bitch. Methinks Mr. Romney needs a long, Rumpelstilkskin nap. He'll awake in a hundred or so years to find A Brand New World Full Of Working Social Programs (in addition to a recovered economy) - if his former GOP colleagues lose their grip attempting to take away Grandma's Medicare, cutting into Social Security, and, behold - a world where Women Will Still Have Control Over Their Bodies!

The primary problem I have with all of these debates and the Monday Morning Quarter-Backing, is how tight the race is. Good grief! Isn't anyone listening to what is underneath the Romney-Ryan ticket? Both still refuse to be specific on what tax loopholes they will plug/drop/banish - among other details that a presidential contender "should" provide to the public. But no. Not Mittsky. On top of that, somewhere along the evening's Little Chat, I heard Romney mention having an "honest' relationship with America. Hah! if "honesty" means anything to him, I will continue to ask where are the remainder of his Tax Returns? Yes, my foes, I will not give up on beating that drum. If he has nothing to hide, then why has he skipped-around releasing more than the paltry two years' worth of $ Info? Hmmm?

The U.S. has only a few more weeks before The Official Voting Day on November 6. Has the year gone by that fast? Is it actually That Time Again to huddle in a voting booth? Apparently so.

Beyond who will win the Prez Race, remember that Congress is where the Obstruction Resides in Washington. Until many of the extremists are voted-out there will be battles. I wonder how the GOP would handle an en masse obstruction of anything a GOP Prez would like to do. I'm sure they would be flying all around Washington on their brooms screaming "Foul!" Wah-wah-wah! You know why? Because they are petulant when they lose; vicious in their Anti-American Agenda (how could what they have not done NOT be considered "anti-American" after all of these years?) To have an agenda to unseat a new president, as the GOP (via eye-sore Mitch McConnell - Read This) directly stated in 2009, is disgusting, dangerous, childish, and, above all, seriously dysfunctional.

I have to laugh when Romney and others blame Obama for not getting more done in four years when it is quite clear why. Romney talks about how he worked in a bipartisan way while Gubner of Mass. Good for him. He had a relatively civilized Democratic body of politicians who were willing to compromise. Thus far, I haven't seen that kind of spirit from The House and sections of the Senate in years.

So tell me. Who is fooling who? 

That's all she wrote for today...

Image via: http://shanghaiist.com (Getty)

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