Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Canned Smiles & Crumbling Stiles

Hello again. Yesterday I was MIA – making my "See you tomorrow" sign-off from Monday's post A LIE, I tell you! I'm just like a politician: say one thing; do another. For shame! Twenty flogs and a trip to the woodshed in the dark on Halloween night is my penance. I didn't do it on purpose. My intentions were honest. Promise. Unlike a Certain Someone On The Campaign Trail during a disaster by "not-really-campaigning" by "helping" people gather canned foods and other articles NO ONE NEEDS in the flooded, broken areas in the aftermath of Sandy.

But You-Know-Who needed to look as if he were doing "something" about "helping" while insincerely smiling his way through the day NOT CAMPAIGNING one bit. Nope. Not at all. That's the kind of person I want for Prez. Yep. (Burp.)

Meanwhile, on The Real Work of DOING SOMETHING, kudos to Prez Obama for making the "right" moves and only asking the country to send money to The Red Cross, rather than his campaign in a subtle form. Oh sure, a few GOPer's are finding fault with his handling of the Largest Storm Evah because, you know, he can't look "good" with the election only a few days away. It's also quite ironic that one of the Naysayer's is none other than "You're doing a heck of a job, Brownie" Mike Brown, former FEMA Head Guy. Right. He really knows his disaster stuff, doesn't he? His fine-tuned non-handling of Katrina gives him the credibility to find fault with Obama. Such a predictable person, that "Brownie" is. So out-of-touch with what to do when waters rise, people die, power outages occur all over the place, and everything in-between. I wish someone had removed the Not-Ever-Ready Batteries from his brain so that he too could experience a Personal Power Outage. Who cares what he says? What in the world am I "talking" about? Link: This Little Thing

Onward from that mess go we into the subject of Infrastructure. Why? Because before Mother Nature began to flip-out more than usual in the U.S. over the past decade, bridges were crumbling, roads were falling apart – that sort of dangerous stuff. With more damage to the already frail, vulnerable roads, leaking tunnels, backed-up sewers, this country must focus more than before on taking care of our country's needs before jumping into Disaster Relief for other countries. Sorry to say, despite the good the U.S. does for others, WE need someone at the helm (with a non-politically-motivated filibustering  group of Azzhats blocking every bill/idea to improve our infrastructure's weakness) if we are to remain safe on our own soil…and cement.

Seems to me we have someone in a Big Position In Government who thinks about these things. Infrastructure isn't a sexy subject for most and is too often ignored when the Siren Call Of Deregulation, ending "Obamacare" and everything else of Basic Human Concern, sashays through the halls of Congress, leaving a trail of cheap perfume wafting in the rarefied air there.

Are you still awake? Didn't that awful perfume trip The Nausea Maker in your stomach? Would you rather I write about something else?

I will, but not today. I'm continuing to recover from my own vulnerable Infrastructure. I'm so wiped-out from being a Full-Time Caregiver to my mother for two weeks after spending three weeks prior to staying with her worrying that she was dying, that the above is the best I can do for now. The good news is, my mother is doing quite well and I was able to help in key areas. Now it's my turn to call in a Caregiver…such as was done yesterday with two very cool people who run an Efficient Cleaning Service showing-up right on time to give me a break from becoming Cinderella Before The Ball. I def need the help. Today another Physical Therapist is stopping by to check on me as my hip has experienced an unfortunate setback, and although I'm healthy in general, I am still provided with a Nurse when needed to check on my vitals. Since I'm not feeling Very Vital right now, and should be living with a B-12 IV, I welcome the assistance. Let's hope she can teach me how to blow the Mental Exhaustion Away.

Which, by the way, is an excellent example of what I was writing concerning how important it is for the USA to take care of its own ills before continuing to be The World's Doctors all of the time. When one is too rundown to take care of one's self, how then can we be helpful to anyone else? Remember the adage – "Physician, Heal Thyself." No truer words.

Until "next time" (see, I'm being vague on purpose), thanks for stopping by.

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  1. Infrastructure: President Obama said if we did the so called "stimulus package" that a large portion of it would go for "shovel ready jobs" pertaining to our infrastructure. Then after that money had been given to his friends and pissed away on failed green energy companies, sat on national TV and joked, "Well, I guess those shovel ready jobs weren't as shovel ready as we thought." John

  2. John, for $%#@'s sake. What's Romney going to do? Is it always AGAINST Obama at every turn because he isn't perfect? I want to respect your opposing opinions...BUT, is it utterly impossible for you and yours to see something GOOD in the administration? The little quote of Obama's you mentioned was a retort to the truth that nothing can get done in the current political climate which has crippled (YES I BLAME BUSH AND ALWAYS WILL - NUMBERS don't lie)almost all avenues for growth in that (or any other - almost) sector? Amesia is a sad thing. We were run through the grinder by an irresponsible, VERY corrupt admin which ran this country into the ground for 8 years. Don't even get me started. I've heard enough crap against Obama's supposed personal/leadership failures and not a bloody thing from you or most Fox viewers on what has been done right. For %$&#'s sake...had any of your people done what he has done with the sheet left at his door, endless obstructionism from The House, a cynical decision-agenda to kick him out of office from the "get-go" - you'd all be jumping for joy that movement had been made in any positive direction at all. Didn't see or hear anyone tip their hats to Obama for having the guts to take out Mr. Bin, when that swaggering Mentally Challenged Corporate Puppet, Bush, stopped "thinking" about Bin Laden after awhile, and holding hands w/ Saudi Oilmen; getting all of the US-based Bin Laden families swiftly jetted out of the country for their "protection" - SCREAM!!!!! You know, Obama told the country from the very beginning (when he finally grasped how deep a hole had been dug PRIOR to his taking office) that it would "take time." Four years is not enough to undo damage that happened for 8 years.

    Keep the popcorn ready.

  3. And, as usual, ignore my typos.

    AMNESIA being the primary one.

  4. Shauna, for $%#@'s sake, the bad far outweighs the good. No new taxes for the middle class? How about the 21 taxes that are built into the health care bill, such as 3% if you sell your home? Taxes on medical prosthetic's etc. The minions of communists and socialist adviser's he
    went around congress to appoint. His abandoning 4 of our citizens in Libya when they asked for and were denied backup three times. To me, he's no better than a rapist. "Yeah, I raped her, but at least I wore a condom." (and that statement is no more outrageous than some of the things I've heard come out of the left)
    Endless obstructionism? How easily you forget. For the first two years of his presidency, he had the house and the senate. In other words, total control, and he could do any damn thing he wanted to. He just came out last week and ADMITTED he ignored the economy to push his health care bill. Sheesh.........
    And him getting Bin Laden? What a crock of s--t. ALL he did was give the order. If it weren't for the policies and efforts of the Bush administration, if not for water boarding, (which by the way is much more humane than Obama's drone policy) we would never have got the info that led to Bin Laden's driver, that led to Bin Laden.
    You're so CUTE..... Give you one little fact, like my comment above, and you go off!!! And I just smile. :) John

  5. URGENT URGENT: Please check and read your email!!! John
