Friday, October 12, 2012

A Few Words

Did you watch or read about last night's VP Debate between VP Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan? If so, you must have wondered if good ole' Joe would continue to flash That Laugh all night – which, of course, he did. One part of me likes the fact that Joe brought out The Smile, however, another part thinks he did so way too often, which I found distracting.

But, Joe came through when it mattered. Finally! A solid, passionate defense and call-out on the Romney Campaign's Unfortunate Tendency To Revel In Truth-Bending – in a debate! Pushing for answers directly at the opponent's face! Laughing! Passionately discussing FACTS! In real time, no less. Amazing.

Naturally, the debate last evening won't completely Tilt The Tilt of Obama's recent lack of passion on a Debate Stage, but things for the Dem's look slightly better today than they did yesterday. Now Mr. Polite may have to sharpen his verbal knives into a very pointed tip, as VP Joe's strident refusal to allow Paul Ryan to spew more BS, made point-after-point about what even some GOPer's admit are untruths. Plain English: He wouldn't let Ryan get away with it. Period. That's all we need Obama to do in the next debate.

Will he step up – finally – and show us his fire? We shall see, as "they" say.

Meanwhile, I'm beginning my prep's today for a trip away from the City Of Angels/Devils/Money/Narcissism/Great Food/Etc. which/that/could/might/may/possibly last/continue/for a week – or more. I'll post as usual each day, although when each one makes it to "Publish" could be different than usual. But, if you've been reading TDFB for a while, you're used to late or earlier-than-usual posts from me, so it shouldn't be too askew.

Off to the packing process go I. Have a lovely Friday! 

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