Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Who Deserves a Flog Today?

The Flogging Whip decided to join me on my little travels of late, but was held captive in my luggage until this morning when I awoke to discover yet another Crazy Menz Of Supposed Power talking about Rape and how, in essence, the violation against women who become preggers from such hostile, quite violent acts, is "God's Will." Oh STFU you fools! Stop using God as your excuse for Pro Life agendas and to Control Women! I honestly wish the Todd Akin's, and now the latest Vagina Burner, Richard Mourdock's (READ THIS) of the world, would Stuff It and have Momma wash out their dirty, misguided mouths with soap. Someone needs to clean-up the foul odor emanating from their Speaking Place on their smug, pious faces and spend a week in jail having Non-consensual Rape by Brutes In The Showers, if not their snarly wild-eyed cell-mate. Then come back and tell the world and women how It Was God's Will that you had your anus ripped apart. Oh, I know the focus is on conception and not just the act of rape. Nevertheless, if Men Could Have Bay-Beez, I doubt they would carry to term the reminder of those wonderful sexual escapades. How dare these GOP politicians continue to make such outrageous comments! Really! Stop It! But then, if they chose to walk into a shower full of burly men, would these fools consider their Victimization/Humiliation a "Legitimate Rape" because they should have known better than to expose themselves to those who would harm them? They were "asking for it", right? All nude and everything? Tsk-tsk.  I, for one, am Sick And Tired of these GOP Self-Appointed Mouths Of God making comments about an act that has physically and psychologically harmed women for decades after the immediate trauma has passed. Piss off, as it were, Akin and Mourdock and all others who share their opinions. They Know Not Of What They Speak. My apologies to God for these sorry examples of Wasted Sperm.

Rant over.


  1. LOVE IT! These Christains are a disgrace. Women who vote them into office are deserving of the bullshit that their political party accepts. I have no sumpathy for for them.

    Keep on rattling their nut-cages.
