Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mitts-in-Mouth Dis-Ease

I shudder, shudder, I tell you, to think how a Romney presidency would handle any crisis where the mere lift of a Red Phone could start the Beginning Of The End. Although I become frustrated with Prez Obama for being too "cool" and "collected", I only want to see his irey fire when it involves standing-up for himself and explaining in plain English why things have stalled in the past two years in clearer terms than he has thus far, but certainly not when it involves going to war. He already has shown a mild itchy finger with his admiration and use of Drones. Beyond that, I believe he is extremely level-headed, and on the international front, I trust most of his actions and instincts.

With a Mental Peon such as Mitt Romney, a man devoid of diplomatic skills beyond any one person I have ever seen in politics, his tendency to, as the Prez said last evening during an interview, "shoot first and aim later" is scary stuff, my friends. His sense of timing makes no sense at all. Yesterday's Mindless Babble Attack against Obama was a disaster. His "Jump The Gun" rush to tell the world what he thinks about Obama even before victim's families knew there had been a deadly protest in Libya, was foolish and utterly crass - yet another example of his ability to offend almost everyone, including many in his own Party. What a terrible idea to vote such an unstable, waffling, barely human kind of person into the Highest Office In The Land. Diplomacy goes a very long way. Thus far, all we've seen and heard is Mitt In Mouth Dis-Ease. (Read THIS if you missed yesterday's drama.)

The scenario of a World Leader who is so indelicate in speech, obtuse, ham-handed, is worse than when an inarticulate, Saudi-Prince hand-holding Oil Puppet ran the country into the ground. A Romney presidency has the strong potential to run the entire earth into nuclear-laden white ash.

One morning he could wake to learn that North Korea was conducting another "missile" test and, in a grouchy mood and voice, I can hear him dismissively ordering his aides to call the Pentagon and tell them to "…bomb those idiots" and then wandering through his section of the Presidential Suite to have one of Ann's Irish Grandmother's infamous "cakes" while pondering who he should fire that day.

Need I say more? Well, not today...

Image via:


  1. Romney is dangerous like a WMD ticking away. Thumbs up.



  2. "wandering through his section of the Presidential Suite to have one of Ann's Irish Grandmother's infamous "cakes" while pondering who he should fire that day.

    How right-on is that? I can see it only he's wearing a silk robe. Funny how the mind see written words. Shauna, those words are among the best you've written for a visual person like me.


    Keep on rockin' the boats. :>p

  3. lol! the picture has to be the worse ever i've seen of mittsy

    post is spot on

    third 'Hidden Fan' not that I'm counting


  4. For Christ's sake......Mitt was the ONLY one acting Presidential when he stood up and said we shouldn't be apologizing for our God given right of Freedom of speech. What was Obama doing? Making his way to Vegas (where he previously said American's should not go) for another campaign speech/fund raiser.

    NOW it has come out, that the State Department had CREDIBLE intelligence that things were going to get out of hand in the middle east 48 hours before it happened. Guess what? They didn't bother to put our embassy's on high alert. Of course, like "Fast and Furious,"
    the left wing media will sweep that under the rug, as not to hurt Obama or Hillary.

    This is one of those few times that I can sit back smugly and say "I told you so." But it wasn't me who told you so.....think back a few years ago. The warning was sounded that in spite of giving billions of dollars to Egypt, that the Muslim Brotherhood would take power. We were WARNED that these violent incidents would take place, and that American's would be killed. Who sounded that warning? Glenn Beck

  5. To all, great feedback!

    To the last poster, all I can say is that I think you missed The Point. Just as did Mitt. That's why you guys/people are on the 'Same Page' I guess. Give it up.... as GOPer Joe Scarborough said earlier today, Mittens is not a "real" Conservative, nor is he a Bible-Thumping anything other than an "Ambitious Man". Now, being ambitious is very fine and good...

    However, it takes more than "Ambition" to run a country with so many diversified and complex relationships around the world and within our own country. He's simply a CEO guy. Not a Statesman, nor a Ready for Primetime President.

    And the Beck thing? OF COURSE there would eventually be a BACKLASH with so many countries in the midst of tremendous chaos that anything anti-Muslim and kicking a wound many feel they did not deserve. Emotions run high. Inevitable. But the true Out of Control One in this story you plant is that Hot-headed hotheads will always eff it up for everyone. And that's Bcck's job in life.

    Not going to keep fighting this Glenn Beck BS. He is bat-shit crazy in my book.



  6. Edit: 4th paragraph: "...tremendous chaos that anything anti-Muslim.." should read as "of tremendous chaos if there is a lack of understanding the deep sensitivity Extremist Muslims feelregarding anything anti-Muslim."

    Whew. Can we all take a breath now? Leadership also means and requires Timing. To take that opportunity of national shock and turn it into a political mockery a leader does not make.


    ^smiles and waves*

  7. And then, too late to edit in Comments, sees more typos and errors.

    Chooses to have Asian snacks w/ special brews and forget the whole damn thang.

