Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Be Still My Jaded Heart

OMG. What's happened to me? I've lost the jaded edge I wrote about yesterday. Not that I'll take back my overall point regarding political conventions and the money spent to have them. Nope. However, I admit that last night's DNC speeches were thrilling to hear, see and feel. What eloquent, honest and often heartfelt opinions were expressed by speakers who actually know how to speak to an audience beyond mouthing empty words. How refreshing not to hear threats against women's choices, or lies over Obama's political record (of course), or jabs against who can or cannot marry.

When Fox News' pundits and hosts actually express positive remarks regarding Michelle Obama's stirring, amazing speech (albeit for some through gritted teeth), then one knows something good happened – if only for a moment – in our country's political battle. Another moment I found exceptionally real and inspiring was when Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick spoke the truth about Democrats needing to, in essence, grow a "backbone" and stand up for what they believe. Thank God. It's about time (as "they" say) a Democrat kicked the party's arse into shape. Backbone, indeed!

I sincerely hope that when the convention is over and the chairs are folded and carted away, the message that we heard last night (and will hopefully continue) will spur the Democratic Masses into action of one sort or another to block the GOP's attempts to steal the election via unseemly machinations written here and elsewhere regarding the Voter ID debacle in particular.

Meanwhile, tonight Bill Clinton will take the stage. Perhaps for the first time in his career he may find himself struggling to equal the rousing speeches of last night. Imagine that!

We shall see, won't we?

Image via: (Getty)

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