Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The Campaign Really Has Begun for Prez of the USA, with both contenders dashing through the Key State of Electoral Votes (Ohio) today, possibly in rolled-up shirt sleeves with the "Every Man" image in place. Or, in Mitt Romney's case, a bright red-orange jacket-windbreaker so that he can stand out from the dull muted tones in the background consisting of aides, bodyguards and Sneaky 47%'ers who may want to begin Hunting Season early this camouflage en masse. 

Talk about setting one's self up as a clear target! But that's how Mitt rolls. He is not equipped to grasp the fundamentals of Campaign Decorum, as well as comprehending that if windows in airplanes were to open during a fire the oxygen would further fan the flames inside. Yep. If you missed the story from the other day, HERE IT IS. And, as per usual, the response to his stupidity is yet another "Oh, he was joking." Oh Mittsky, you're so funny! Let me vote for you so I may laugh at your wit every time you open your mouth.

You're getting bored with all of the Romney attacks and posts, aren't you? Me too. It's a problem, though, as whenever I attempt to temporarily move on to other subjects, he sets himself up over and over again for ridicule. I would have ignored the plane comments had it not been for the fact that even I know better than to open a friggin' window anywhere with flames from a fire right behind me. And this man went to Harvard? Perhaps he was too busy cutting the hair off a suspected gay student and chortling about it with his friends...just as he laughed about it during an interview earlier this year. Another one of his "jokes."

Hey, I have a joke for you, Mittsky (my new fav name for him cuz' he's so cute and everything). My fun with you will be arranging details for your move to Washington DC and will call the Car Elevator people to dismantle your La Jolla, California, "home" elevator and place your cars in storage. Then, when you don't win the election due to Extreme Insensitivity And Your Entitled-Mess, you'll have to re-claim your Driving Machines and park them in a regular garage and driveway just like the 47% – for a little while, of course, because God knows you can't live without those perks. In the interim, you can always ride Ann's Special Horse.

*ducks and slips away – slowly – from this scintillating post*

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