Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Suit Stuffed With Money

Why is "everyone" so shocked to hear Mitt Romney's comments about the "47%" of the U.S. he doesn't give two twits in a twat about? I'm not. That's who he is, people! Who thought he was anything more than A Suit Stuffed With Money? Who thought he was a pleasant sort when it is widely known that most of the Old and New GOPer's don't like him; never have, and by how he's ruining his own campaign, certainly not now!

The Un-likability Factor within his own party was very clear and direct during the three million debates the hoard of GOP Prez Wanna-Beez conducted until the last gasp, finally giving-up, conceding that Romney was going to be Their Man. Aside from how he has treated his comrades over the years (which may have caused the personal distance), most of them must have suspected or known how messy it could become if Romney did indeed have monies stashed away in the Swiss Alps and the Cayman Islands, not to ignore the baggage of his own Healthcare plan. However, I doubt that most of his party-behind-the-scenes-naysayers expected him to publically show a callous attitude toward anyone and anything he doesn't like.

Really. Did the "Insiders" know how socially and diplomatically inept he would be on The World Stage? Yikes! Is that another reason they didn't want him to win the nomination? It's as if they sent an Aging Talking Ken Doll out on the town with a corrupted speaker and pre-recorded sentence chip. Instead of being a smooth-tongued gentleman toward the Aging Barbies, Talking Ken Doll has been looping out raspy sentences akin to smarmy pick-up lines and insults. "Hey, you there in that cheap off-the-rack dress, fix your teeth and call your father to buy some decent clothes for you!" "Sweetie, thanks for the invitation to drop by your place, but your neighbourhood doesn't sound safe or pretty." "So sorry you don't feel well, Babes, but hey, do I look like a doctor? What do you want from me anyway?"

Someone better remove that Talking Chain STAT. According to various Op Eds, nationally syndicated Conservative Journalists and Pundits, it may be too late. But not according to Romney's "camp" who are putting on a "Oh, it's no big deal" face, expecting the current flurry of anti-Romney freak-outs from both sides of that constantly mentioned "aisle" to subside within a few days. Wow! I just love how politicians and their aides fall back on Mass Amnesia to attempt to gloss over serious problems.

Yeah, it's true. We do move on to what the latest tempest in politics, celebrity, general world affairs and events is/are rather fast these days. But certain comments and sentiments remain embedded in the public's mind regardless of the constant influx of 24/7 information. Not every person can be led like sheep. More than expected, perhaps, have excellent memories if they have been insulted as an individual, part of a group, or a citizen of another country. Rude remarks remain like a stubborn red wine stain on aged white linen. (Yes, I made/wrote that analogy and I'm sticking with it.)

Well GOPer's. You have A Real Tool on your hands – again. George W. could barely spit out a coherent sentence, while Romney just spits in most people's faces.

Could someone hand me a towel, please?

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