Sunday, January 23, 2011

Much Ado About Something

Rumours, speculation, and commentaries continue to gather momentum surrounding Keith Olbermann's abrupt departure from MSNBC last Friday evening. Not that it was unexpected for people like me and others to toss their opinions and suspicions into the pot before any of us knew what kind of soup we were making. Its simply interesting to read all of the differing opinions about this edgy thorn in the side of conservatives and others who have been aware of Mr. Olbermann’s feisty (to be kind) behind-the-scenes reputation for many a year dating back to his days at ESPN; the first firing from MSNBC in 1999; and now this……

The many ideas scurrying about, a few aided by the always anonymous “source(s) close to the situation” is whether or not it was a dispute over a pay raise; the taint of his “no-no” minor campaign contributions to several Democratic candidates which caused a temporary suspension of Keith O’s duties on his program last November; that it was entirely his idea to leave because he plans to build a media empire along the lines of The Huffington Post and rule his Kingdom for more than the ageing horse he was given at MSNBC, or that he is a megalomaniac who has “sharp elbows” and prefers to rattle the mahogany-lined woodwork offices of whoever his current boss may be. Shall I call the new troops involved  “Comblast Boots”?

The mystery regarding whether it was truly a “firing” or a planned exit by Olbermann due to a combination of the above, deepens when one learns that on Friday, Olbermann was tweeting his usual tweets for his program with nary a change in tone until, mere hours before his program was to air, the tweet to promote his reading of James Thurber at the end of his program each Friday suggested an “unexpected change” afoot in a different tone than his earlier twittering's. Hmmmm. Last minute decision? Was the ball truly in his court? Did he do a preemptive strike? As many are writing, why did MSNBC continue to run a promo of his show an hour after he had signed-off? Surely had a plan been firmly in place for his announcement such arrangements to drop further promos could have been issued – quietly – in advance.

In addition, he now has a new agent from mighty ICM. Such a move usually involves sweeping changes in career details as well as direction. What’s goin’ on there inside your rather debonair silvery-black hair, Keith? Curious and furious minds want to know.

Who cares about why and what and how, a few of you may ask as you yawn and roll your eyes. I care. So do his 1 million viewers. Not only was Countdown a place to go to hear sane analytics of politics, it was also a spot on the often-dull and humourless cable news outlet desks where one could learn about the antics of a Baboon breaking and entering a local market, fleeing gleefully with a bag of Doritos, accompanied by lilting silly music and an air of the absurd.

By the way, do you know that those of us who are writing about this development are “unhinged” by the (hopefully temporary) loss of Olbermann’s exit? Yup. That’s what “the others” are saying. I wonder what they would do if Rush just huffed himself out of his radio chair one day with no advance notice and spat his last gasp of arrogance with his usual growl – no explanations and no expletives connected? I’m sure candles would be lit and make-shift shrines would be built outside of his studio.

The point for today is to act on the promise of the “Developing” story. A round-up of sorts in the state of Keith’s disunion with his (former) employer, and what all of the “talk” is talking about.

It will be interesting to watch MSNBC tomorrow. After all, it is a news channel that has just made news. Not mentioning what everyone else is discussing would be akin to the ole’ “Elephant in the room” analogy. Mentioning it in any way other than a few tepid words might be akin to to placing one’s job at risk. In fact, I’ve been hearing that Ed Schultz has been taken to task of late by his bosses at MSNBC for “crossing the line” with his own form of political righteous indignation. Wow! Just when I was beginning to like the guy.


1 comment:

  1. Ed has to watch himself right now, I'm sorry to say. They are leaning on him pretty heavy to chill. That's not Ed's style.

    "Comblast Boots"!!!!! LOL! That's part of it all without a doubt in my mind.
