Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Civil Disunion

As it is with any terrible public tragedy, unless one is on a silent spiritual retreat in the Himalayas or elsewhere, it’s almost impossible not to hear, watch, or read the continuing coverage and updates regarding the Tucson, AZ, January 8th shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the deaths of six innocents, and the maiming of 14 others. The information sent out from the attending physicians, family members of victims, and the promising prognosis of Giffords’ head wound, are, indeed, important to those who are following the story.

But now the usual drumbeat of conflicting forces has begun in earnest regarding gun control; NOW many lawmakers are reportedly prepping new bills to deal with the proximity of gun-toters to any federal official; NOW the debate begins again over why the USA allows citizens to carry weapons if we’re no longer living in a Wild West environment or in the kind of danger the country faced with militia forces when the constitution was written. The usual response to these questions is that aside from the liberty for Americans to have guns, it’s important to have protection for “the family.”

Yup. Keep those door-to-door solicitors in their place, bro’.  Hey lady, chase that rascally squirrel off your lawn with your rifle cuz’ that’ll show ‘em! And, by all means, when you hear something go bump in the night inside your home, grab that gun and tiptoe into the dark ready to shoot what moves, forgetting that your mother-in-law is spending the weekend and just emerged from the bathroom. (Well, that’s how some “accidental” domestic-based murders have occurred, isn’t it?)

All right, what else can people do but attempt to place a patch over a cyclical wound of “senseless violence” the U.S. faces from these “lone wolves” who often leave a trail of hints and sometimes blatant threats posted on public venues of one sort or another before embarking on their deadly mission. It’s not as if many of these “loners” weren’t exhibiting strange behavior which went unnoticed, was it?

I know. What to do? If everyone called authorities every time someone posted a chilling comment on the interwebs or acted like they should be in a straight jacket when in public, our judicial system and law enforcement would be in worse overload than it is now. So, isn’t the real bottom line that even with a change in gun laws, just as with drugs and prostitution, nothing will stop a person from getting what they want if they want it that much.

Another key element to the latest crack in our country’s psyche is the Sarah Palin factor in all of this – of which I have played a part in a previous blog. I won’t back down from what I wrote, and regardless of my admiration for several pundits and public figures calling for those who are pointing fingers at Palin in particular to not play the “blame game,” I disagree with such mild civility. Yes, it’s magnanimous, mature, and “sane” talk to take such a stance. It’s velly-velly civilized. At least the tone doesn't incite violence.

It’s true that Palin didn’t pull the trigger of the Glock on Saturday. It’s true that the young shooter may not have been swayed by anything she or others have said and implied in their stump speeches and interviews and tweets. To me, it doesn’t matter. Why? Because there are other crazy-eyed people out there who do listen to these words, and find their heart racing in excitement and anger to plan their own action against anyone who disagrees with them.

Thus, to add my voice to an increasing chorus: Palin and friends – STFU!

And gun control advocates? Ask yourself: Who will ever be able to control what is slipped under a table anywhere, at any time? And to those who take pride in gun ownership, I can say that if you need one to keep a Black Bear from smashing through your front door, or you use your weapon for sport, try to keep it under lock and key. To the rest of you, shine that baby up nice and clean and stay out of my neighborhood – although, of course, I’ll want your guns as protection when the Apocalypse arrives and the masses storm our little castles with flaming torches - food and water on their delirious minds.

Ahh, therein lies the latest excuse to own a weapon. The Apocalypse. This way of thinking is spreading like a very virulent flu.

Anyone have a bullet-proof vest they can lend to me?

1 comment:

  1. Palin is the scapegoat for a crazy kid, which isn't fair. She tells the truth as she sees it and has nothing to with the Arizona massacre.
