Monday, January 3, 2011

Give This Week A Chance

What's up with "the media" thrusting a ton of predictions, suggestions, and unnecessary questions out into the world regarding the end of this new year? We're only 3 days into 2011 and already political pundits are focusing on the way politics will be in 12 months, and others in the media are blathering away on what Oprah has planned for her LAST SHOW EVAH! - of "The Oprah Winfrey Show", that is, which will close its doors in 2011. She won't be away at all, though: she has launched her own channel. What took her so long? No matter, she still has her regular TV show going for a few more months, so let's all speculate on how it's going to end. Wow! How can she top giving away cars and trips to exotic places? My bet is that she'll give the country back to the British to handle our debt to China.

The proverbial bottom line is: how about we give the first week of the year a chance before spending so much time focusing on an intangible outcome in any way whatsoever in whatever avenue of life is afoot? For all we know, more birds will mysteriously fall from the sky all over the world, not just in Arkansas, USA, making it impossible to get to the garage to get into the car or truck to go anywhere one "needs" to go.

How about we all just take it slow - as in, "one day at a time" - "baby-steps" and all of that. The only things we truly know are right in front of our eyes.


  1. You are so right, especially about O. It's sickening that "they" can't let her channel set up what's next and are ignoring the daily shows just to rush to judgement, iin a way, on how her reign will end on regular TV.

    I don't watch her much anymore and it's alright with me to see her go, but I have to jump in and agree that if everyone spends too much time looking beyond their fuzzy noses for what's going to happen next in any public arena, there's bound to be a few big slips down the ski trails before the season's over.

    I'm with you, why did the BIG O take so long to get her own CHANNEL?

