Saturday, January 29, 2011

True Pfffft

Have you been following the chaos in Egypt? Wow. There are a lot of very pissed-off citizens in Cairo right now. Thousands of people “gone wild“ while keeping their clothes on and not drinking Mojitos. Not exactly a “Rave”or Spring Break in Miami, is it? Well, it couldn’t be as women aren’t allowed to participate. Just a lot of angry men running around screaming and looting.

What is the revolt all about? The simple explanation is that the people don’t like their leader, President Mubarak, because he hasn’t followed through on promises to improve the economy, among other things, and they’re mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore. Period. So there.

I defer to the various professional news outlets to further comment on the crisis, because, well, you know, the situation isn’t funny and today is Saturday in the US of A, which means most of us turn to lighter subjects and pastimes so as not to strain our grey cells. And, someone else is mad as hell - Charlie Sheen - and if we don’t pay attention, our streets may soon be overrun by thousands of porn stars, “escorts” and other “ladies of the night” in revolt, furious over an impending loss of income.

After his latest slip off the stripper’s poll, Charlie’s back in rehab – willingly, we’ve been “told.” Sure. His attitude indicates a true grip on reality as he angrily addressed his critics via text to "People don't seem to get it... Guy can't have a great time and do his job also? Bunch of Turds."

Whoa. I must be a “Turd”, then. How dare I or others criticize a father of 4 young children for consistently ending up in trouble via overindulgence in almost everything deemed decadent, not to ignore, illegal. By the way, how is it that this guy can openly hire prostitutes, trash hotel rooms, allegedly choke his then-wife, threaten her with a knife, yet continue to walk free among us? Oh, that’s right. He’s a charmer. The “girls” love him. He’s a mega TV star. His ex had problems, too, so it’s not all his fault.

Making almost $2 million dollars per episode of his curiously successful sitcom has nothing whatsoever to do with a Teflon coated life, doe it? It’s not that money “talks” with Charlie when he always “walks.” Nope. The “girls” don’t press charges if they’re mistreated; police don’t arrest him most of the time because he’s “polite and cooperative” when all hell breaks loose whenever he doesn’t get his way, and CBS executives adore him for the money his show makes for them.

Hey, so what? Charlie likes to party hardy. And when he’s very bad, he goes to rehab. When others are very bad, they go to jail longer than a night or two.

Yes indeed. Rehab is just the place for him to mend the error of his ways. Until next time. If there is one.

1 comment:

  1. Sheen's a rich brat who has a sickness untreated, it's enough a already. He wants to be the new Hefner with paid women in his home. He's crazy. Hefner knows how to keep his life under control.
