Sunday, January 16, 2011

Small FYI’s from Tired Eyes

Viewing the most recent video line-ups on this blog might cause a new reader to wonder if they have fallen into a time warp. It’s understandable. Part of the reason for going retro is that many of the newer artists’ videos on YouTube I wanted to post were “unavailable” for sharing. Never mind, though, as it does feel a bit like the old days of civil unrest and shocking, disturbing revolutions with the most recent American outburst of violence, as well as an angry mob crying “foul” against the government as it was in the late 60’s – early 70’s.

The difference this time around is that many protester’s from the “old days” are completely against the new angry mob of Tea Party malcontents, and, as noted here in a video, violence once aimed at basically innocent college Vietnam war protester's at Kent State University in Ohio by government forces in 1970, are now aimed at basically innocent government forces/politicians and citizens by an angry unhinged former college student in 2011.

The comparison has not been lost on those who remain engaged with political concerns, as one of the living victims of the Tucson shooting, Randy Gardner, had also been on the campus of Kent State dodging bullets on that fateful day in May. According to his perception, the Tucson incident is just as important in American modern history as it is with the legacy of Kent State where 4 innocents died when the National Guard fired into the unarmed crowd on a once peaceful green campus lawn. Mr. Gardner is certainly “Zelig” of the survivor sort. Imagine the odds of not only being in both places in history, but a civilian living through a barrage of bullets each time?
Kudos to him, I say.

And to myself I say that it’s time for me to set aside any direct flogging for at least a few hours so that I may finally crawl under the covers after what has been an all-nighter attempting to build a new website where both a discussion forum and a blog may live under the same roof one day. But, oh those tricky little templates can prove to be quite a challenge if one isn’t building everything from scratch!

G’night to me, and Good Morning (or afternoon) to thee……..

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