Wednesday, October 10, 2012

'Mr. Polite' Is Now Contrite

Andrew Sullivan's article (that I linked in yesterday's post) has "everyone" talking – pro or con – regarding his Doom And Gloom-based perception of Obama's lackluster debate as well as current (and possibly negative) future Poll Numbers. Wow, indeed a nerve was hit with that article. Today, headlines are shouting President Obama's admission to a radio interviewer that he was "too polite" in his Romney debacle debate and he won't let it happen again, so there! Time to get those fightin' shoes on and start sluggin' away.

Okay then, Mr. Obama. We're waiting impatiently here, frustrated there. According to several writers on various News Websites, those of us who have begun to Ring The Death Knell for Prez Obama's "campaign" for re-election, are simply freaking-out – unnecessarily – and should just roll with the ups and downs of what has been expected to be a tight race in November, so what's the Big Deal that Obama blew the First Debate? Patience. Patience, everyone. The election has not been won by either candidate – yet. The same Victory Romney has claimed for his debate performance could easily whiplash into Another Upswing for Obama following next Tuesday's debate. True. However, I'm not quite finished, thank you very much, although I admit I'm not thrilled to continue this line of focus, but….

It's just that he was SO BAD BY SEEMING CHOICE that people like me who pay attention to the details of political races and their participants, appeared to be hand-wringing a bit too much. Well, for anyone who cares about social issues (such as women's choices – social security – jobs that will not be outsourced even more than now – a tax reality of history that when the wealthier among us are taxed at a rate where they might have to pay more than their secretary does, the economy improves, and on and on it goes), WOULD become a tad unhinged in frustration with Obama since his in-actions and half-hearted attitude almost hands the job of Prez over to Romney as if it were one of the basketballs Obama uses while playing with his regulars almost every week. Here, YOU! Take the ball although I'm in a perfect position to make the winning shot - cuz' I'm just that kind of nice guy! 


Meanwhile, tomorrow night's VP Debate with Joe "Loose Mouth" Biden v. Paul Lyin' Ryan, should be quite interesting for a multitude of reasons. Which ones, you ask? Oh, I can't tell you what the reasons are in detail, okay? Just trust me. I know my reasons and that's all you need to know, you know?

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