Thursday, February 24, 2011

Feeling Antsy

I really want to flog what's happening in the U.S. regarding the GOP attack on women's rights and everyone else's rights who do not agree with the GOP, but I'm in a battle with a very large ant that seems to live inside my laptop and enjoys wandering all over my screen. I don't have the heart to kill it, and I have not yet been able to get the dasterdly nemesis on a sheet of paper to send to the outside world where it could climb all over everything else, thus I'm utterly flummoxed and unable to concentrate.....

Per chance the ant would like a bit of music before I eventually trap and send it out to find its way in the tangled web we've woven/weaved/cleaved-to in the big bad world of trees and bees?

Not kidding... The size of this particular ant brings about a cause for pause in what on earth is going on in the California ant-most-feared toxic atmosphere. (You "saw" that coming. didn't you?) You may also note that this was posted "just" after midnight PST. I may be awake most of the night in a fight for my part of the bed tonight.


(Pssst. Despite a seeming lack of comments on this blog, there are many elsewhere - and I'm aware that Blogspot has an issue with the "Comments" function. Thanks to those who try to post here.)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't have a block to posting on your blog, Shauna. Are you in talks with readers that can't post a lot. Dummies maybe?
