Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bubble Talk

Has it come to this? Has the world turned on its axis? Of course not. We’re just in for more brain-drains from the fames – or could it be that yet another unlikely source in the headlights of perky high-lights can strut a sentence worth the attention of those who barely knew his name?

Little baby Justin-Bibber-With-the-Bangs-On-His-Mop has been quoted on mainstream and credible cable news outlets as a voice of reason in the gnawing debate over health care in the U.S. -  in comparison to his home-grown Canadian health benefits. Sayeth the wee-teeny-he in an interview with Rolling Stone: "You guys are evil," he supposedly joked. "Canada's the best country in the world. We go to the doctor and we don't need to worry about paying him, but here, your whole life, you're broke because of medical bills. My bodyguard's baby was premature, and now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your baby's premature, he stays in the hospital as long as he needs to, and then you go home."

What? The little Beeber-That-Could actually said something – not vacuous. Smelling salts/Amyl Nitrate – anyone?

Charlie Sheen has decided it is of the utmost importance to provide Lindsay Lohan with addiction advice! During an interview on The Dan Patrick Show (Direct TV), the rascally loved-by-almost-any-guy-over-the-age-of-16 said these words of dim-doom to the host, "You get Lindsay on the show, I will call in. I've got some advice for her. I've got some things I would recommend she consider because I don't tell anybody what to do. Work on your impulse control. Just try to think things through a little bit before you do them. I was not there in the store, the necklace, the thing, the bracelet, who cares? They're so desperate to vilify without fact…."

Hahahahahahahahah!  We have now entered The Dimlight Zone.

One must pause to recalibrate one’s brain before moving on from what just transpired in our minds while reading the above-the-above comments/advice. Chortle.

On to other bees dancing in the headline hive:

High Speed rail for the U.S.? I’m for it.

1 comment:

  1. Justin Beiber was on CSI this past week. Nick pumped three rounds into his chest. I REALLY like CSI!! :) John
