Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Tide Has Turned - Sorta

Well-well-well. "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" passed! The Tax Cut bill also passed despite its cracks and the hacks. Amazing how quickly major laws or funding is dealt with as the sand runs near to empty in the last-minute hour glass of politics. How did these two much debated issues make the grade? Is it what I wrote the other day concerning the politico’s desire to get out of DC ASAP to hit the slopes or play more “Rope-a-Dope” with those feisty constituents back home? Or could it be that the prospect of the change in the House leadership to the GOP in January was enough to light a fire under the formerly complacent derriere's of yawning Democrats who’ve lacked the backbone to fight anything worthwhile for two years.

It’s cheers and jeers for all - particularly with the tax bill and all of its flaws.

But it's Sunday over here in the US of A where most of us would rather stay in bed most of the day than spend more time running around town in those last-minute shopping sprees to fill the Christmas stockings of shiny trinkets than dump a clump of coal. Actually, the way the economy is going, a piece of coal may be more valuable in the end than a cutesy little doll or an array of colored pens.

'Tis less than a week before Christmas and all through my house nothing weighty is stirring except the spoon in my tea.


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