Thursday, July 19, 2012

Keep Your Mitts Off Our Money!

Alright. I've had it. Again. The following quote can be understood by anyone in any country, lest you think I'm going to alienate a few of you with another American Politics-Based post. Nope. What I am planning to write is what set the Flogging Whip off this morning while reading the newzy headlines from all over the Big Bad World. This is the quote:

"We've given all you people need to know about our finances." 
Signed, Ann Quasi-Marie Antoinette Romney. *

She forgot to add, "Plus, you don't deserve cake because you don't know how to bake one on your own, you miserable losers." Oh Ann, go eff yourself, you entitled smug out-of-touch bitch!

All this because her husband won't give up the true, detailed, paperwork (past tax returns) on his billowing fortune. The Romney's are afraid that what the public will see on those sacred Top Secret Returns will upset some of their newly-found voters now that the Republican Base is holding their noses and trying to back their By Default Presumptive Prez Nominee. (As well as give the Democrats more political ammunition.)

You know what, Mitt and Ann? I don't trust you people. Yeah. "You people." I hold both of you in the same semantic disdain you are showing to the masses. And for those of you who plan to vote for this Secretive Biz Man who will say ANYTHING just to get his greedy mitts on power and our country's money (and we still have some of that stuff laying around in wastelands slowly sucking the life out of social programs while the gov't wastes money in the millions with abandoned warehouses we still pay for - why? - among other ridiculous money-suctions), you will deserve the shallow, money-hungry, back-pedaling hypocrite.

How about this tactic? When the IRS comes knocking at your mailbox demanding back taxes OR ELSE, just use Ann's spiffy retort: "We've given you people all you need to know about our finances." How's that? Good way to act for a citizen? No, says the IRS. You will be liened-on, garnished-upon, sent to jail, or be in servitude to the country when each month you roll out a portion of your money to send to the gov't to save your butt, while people who run for president can dodge and fudge and shrug their way out of transparency. Sure, they file taxes and what-not, but still....

No, it's not fair. We already know that Life Is Not Fair for many; however, when your own political party colleagues are on TV every day suggesting/demanding that you "come clean" with your tax shelters and how long you did or didn't work for a company you created (Bain, of course), then something smells and Ann Romney just placed the final scent of bile to the pile-up against her husband.

I'm so disgusted with Ann's comment that I want to take the Flogging Whip to its maker for a nice cleaning and add a few extra knotted ends just for the upcoming election cycle.

Oy! I'm looking forward to covering The Games than this sort of stomach-turning F-U most of the GOP has been playing on one level or another since 2008. Entitled Babies, all of them. Yep. Keep your hands off our healthcare while we try to take yours away. Don't touch my SSA check despite the fact that it's part of the Socialist Plot Against America that we, the House under the fist of some crazed lobbyist-arse by the name of Norquist, continue to shout while our relatives utilize Medicare to save their lives.

Hello London! Let the games begin! Pleeeeze?


  1. Woe is us if these people get into power. Ann looks less bitchy that Callista Gingrich until she opens her pie hole. :)
