Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuesday FYI

Great news! After watching me struggle all over the Interwebs to find something of interest to write about today, my employer (me) decided to give me the day off from straining my grey cells too much. As I wrote the other day, my employer is nice to me and will forgive my lack of perfection at times (unless it involves typos, incorrect information/stats – that sort of thing).

Sure, I could write about the possible UFO seen in the sky in London over the Olympics Opening Ceremonies debacle, or how much money Sir Paul made for his Closing Number at the festivities (over 1 million of those pieces of paper we call "money"), or I could continue on the Romney Is An Idiot bandwagon following his fabulously horrendous blunders from one country to another, but that's getting old - at least for today now that Fox News has joined the Boo's.

And so it is with great pleasure that I slip away quietly on this seemingly boring Tuesday (thus far) to take a minor break from the writing thing, and, instead, prepare to find an attorney to sue someone/place for medical malpractice and negligence.

Hey, a person's gotta do what a person's gotta do, right?

Will be back tomorrow.

Image via: http://www.helpcriminaldefenselawyer.com

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