Saturday, September 3, 2011


Oh wow! I've written three different posts for today and disliked all of them. Sometimes there are just too many issues to flog, too many thoughts on one's mind, to properly sort through the noise and find the best tone and subject.

So, for now, let's just say the pinched nerve in my back is making me crazier than usual and it might be best for me to watch all of the really bad movies I can find on regular TV, "On Demand" and Pay-Per-View, for today's entertainment and simply allow Saturday to quickly become Sunday.

Until then, my friends, have a wonderful remainder of your day or evening.

Oh, and no, that image is NOT me.


  1. pinched nerves aren't fun. take it easy, sz.

  2. I really did watch a few very bad movies. The worst I've seen in ages = "Abandoned." Poor B. Murphy didn't look well at all, and whoever was in charge of hair and makeup did a great disservice to her...may she RIP.
