Sunday, September 4, 2011


If you have been reading and/or hearing about how many people are throwing other people “under the bus” these days, you may, like me, begin to wonder what, exactly, is that bus everyone keeps talking about? Is it a city bus? A Greyhound bus? A cheery yellow school bus? Or, just any old bus that happens to be rolling by when someone decides to throw another someone under it?

And, I ask, why a bus? Aren’t huge trucks more deadly than a bus? If someone is going to be eviscerated by another and tossed into harms way, wouldn’t it make more sense to wait for an 18 wheeler rather than a long tin can of a bus? Unless, of course, “the bus” of which everyone speaks is a specific bus one tosses/throws people under and is recognized by the perpetrator of tossing because it says “The Bus.”

Who is throwing whom under this “bus” you may ask. That is a good question, my friends, as it appears that these buses are everywhere and no one is safe from its wheels if Dick Cheney is one of the "Tosser’s." In the book he is so proudly hawking almost everywhere (except on MSNBC, for example), he gleefully shoves Condi Rice under it with an extra kick as she rolls into its headlights. She messed-up, doncha know? She didn’t want Cheney to bomb the world and so, there she goes...right under those wheels.

Next in line is George W. and Colin Powell. All wusses. They didn’t want to bomb nuclear reactors in Syria. Tsk. So, out you guys go – right under that bus Cheney asked his buddies at Halliburton to provide specifically for former presidents and decorated former military personnel.

And then there is the matter of the American people in general. Cheney had to have had Halliburton build really large buses so a fleet could be sent out to accommodate Mr. Cheney’s enemies list and, shall we say, kill many innocent birds with one big stone? Or a few thousand?

But, oh no, according to Cheney’s unapologetic nattering's during his interviews, he cares not who he hurts, has hurt, and may possibly hurt in the future. You want to know why? Because, in the world according to a dick like Cheney, he is the only one with clear vision. He is right about everything. He knows what needs to be done and damn the consequences if others don’t agree.

Just like he threw Valeria Plame under his rolling thunder bus by allegedly sending his sacrificial soldier, Lewis “Scooter” Libby, on the march to “out” a CIA operative and, therefore, compromise the lives and safety of all who were associated with her, the ends always justify the means, don’t they? Especially in cases of revenge, because that is how one does business with people who disagree with him, as Plame’s husband, Joe Wilson, discovered following Wilson’s op-ed in the New York Times that stated Saddam Hussein was NOT trying to buy “yellowcake uranium” as the Bush administration had claimed.

Grrrr, I’m sure Mr. Cheney sneered. Let’s mess with Wilson’s CIA wife. That’ll show ‘em, Cheney must have smirked, oblivious to anything other than his own agenda as he donned his Darth Vader helmet so everyone could hear him breathing and know he was still alive.

Oh, but that’s old news, isn’t it? No one really cares about that situation anymore. Now we have to worry about a new bus that has been rolling through the country. No, not Sarah Palin’s silly bus she never sleeps in. This one is called “Obama’s Bus” with most of his base falling under the wheels.

Becoming a “Tosser” must be a disease that hits one after spending too much time in Washington DC. I’m not sure who is building Obama’s buses, but something tells me it rhymes with “boil.”


  1. Clever post - and ain't it the truth?

    Depressed in Idaho

  2. Cute Shauna!! By the way, Obama's buses were built in Canada, at a cost of over one million each. So much for buy American, and American jobs. John

  3. Well...if they through Obama under the bus...then we will be chasing the Tea Party on skate boards-

    We ...better make sure, our liberal co-hearts on the hill- hold steady- and find a way- to deal- and put a new set of tires on those wheels.


  4. Sorry...sleepy "THROW" not through...

  5. I hope "anonymous" from the last post didn't see your typo. Otherwise, he/she will question your family heritage, and call you names. John

  6. Whoa! Apologies to everyone who posted comments on this thread. Until today, no messages were noted under this posts' title. Gotta love those "glitches."

    Thanks to all!
