Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Rapes of Strath

The image to the left is of a Transvaginal Ultrasound. With so many GOP Governor's signing anti-abortion bills into law, many requiring that pregnant women receive the Super Invasive Transvaginal Ultrasound before being "allowed" to have an abortion, I have to lend my voice, albeit a small one today, over Forced Transvaginal Ultrasounds.

Before I begin, however, HERE is a primer for those who may want or need a few facts on the states doling-out a Big Fuck You to women's rights. Also for the edification of those who are unfamiliar with what a TU (Transvaginal Ultrasound) involves, CHECK THIS OUT. 

According to the Basic Information above regarding the procedure, it's No Big Deal. The ultrasound procedure can save lives, diagnose all kinds of nasty things that could be harming the individual who is laying on the table with a 40" Plastic Dick inserted into their vagina, usually by a male technician. Yep. No Big Deal for the guys.

Well, I'll tell you how it feels to be violated in that manner – particularly in my situation where the experience was both unnecessary and creepy.

When I fractured my hip well over a year ago, the fracture was misdiagnosed for a month due to other circumstances surrounding the incident. I had developed a Blood Clot due to the un-diagnosed fracture, and, when admitted to the ER for the blood clot treatment, all focus from doctors and nurses was to do everything they could to save my life from the possible movement of the clot. That was the nice part. After hours on pain IV's, a series of other tests, the extreme pain in my hip was as strong as it had been when I arrived. Everyone thought it was just a seriously pinched sciatica issue, yet one doctor (a woman) was puzzled by why I could still feel any pain at all with high doses of Dilaudid pouring into my veins every second.

(Details surrounding why an X-Ray was not performed that day are in litigation, thus I won't say more on that part of the story.)

The female doctor decided I could have an Ovarian problem and ordered a Transvaginal Ultrasound to check on her manual findings. In a drugged haze I was again lifted with great pain onto a gurney, rolled into what I felt had to be the Bowels Of The Hospital – a dark, basement-like environment of scattered equipment, almost empty rooms and an eerie silence.

Before I could comprehend what was happening, I found myself in a darkish room with one male technician. No female nurses anywhere. Just a strange Ultrasound guy and me – alone – in the semi-dark, where he unceremoniously pulled out the longest relative-to-a-dildo I have ever seen in my life, gelled-it-up, and shoved that Hammoconda into my private place that was now no longer private and, instead, invaded. And no, you perv's, it didn't feel great and I wasn't all excited. I was creeped-out.

Although the technician was professional, it bothered me that we were alone. It bothered me to have an invasive stick Ultra-Sounding Away in my vagina and beyond. It was almost humiliating. For the record, I'm not one to have a problem with Pap Smears and Check-Ups. I'm not a prude. I understand medical procedures. But this long thing shoved into me was way different.

Alas, the results of the ultrasound were Negative. Nothing wrong with Those female Parts. Thus, not the cause of my excruciating pain on the left hip and surrounding areas.

Remembering that experience is unpleasant on many levels, particularly with how some Men In Politics are FORCING women to be humiliated in "that way" just because they are pregger's and may want to abort. Yes, a few states have taken the mandatory ultrasound massacre off their anti-abortion laws, yet others continue to press for such treatment out of what can only be deemed a Perverse Attitude toward women and, what I believe to be true, an intimidating tactic against women who want an abortion. It is a form of Legal Rape.

If this is how the Men Of The GOP want women to be treated, then I believe it's only fair to place a law into effect for Men's health where, prior to intercourse where a baby could be made, a very large Electrical-Ultra-Soundy-Condon-Like-Thingy Wrap be placed over their Baby Maker to see if they are carrying anything nasty in that area which could be transmitted to their sexual partner, or if their Little Friend is up to the job. Yeah, I know. Ow! Ouch! How dare you! they would scream.

Or, better yet, you Women-Hating Anti-Abortion Hypocrites, just bend over for the female doctor in a Private Room where you don't expect a "Happy Ending" and let the female technician have her Ultrasound Stick fun for the day in your anus – just for the hell of it.

That's all she wrote for the day. Simply "food for thought" and a vent at the same time. No answers here. Just the facts from a Transvaginal Ultrasound Survivor.

Image via: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003779.htm


  1. Who knoswhat 'strath'means? I do - you are clever as can be, Miz Zee.

    Signing out anon fore I don't have an URL or a Google account. All that tedious shit.

    Keep it real!


  2. Hi Fantasy. Thanks. BTW, It's Mizzy!
