Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Oh Faux Is Me!

Okay. Alright. I'm busted. Sorta. Yes, by viewing TDFB's Full Page, you would surmise that whoever chooses the images and videos is into Gun Violence, or, at best, just Into Guns and all of that Tough Stuff. Between the violence in many of the music video's shown here since TDFB's arrival and yesterday, such an assumption would be understandable. Logical. The images of Rough Attitudes and Bad-Azz Dudes & Babes is all over this blog, perpetuating many of the Racist and Sexist Stereotypes of which I so often roundly flog and snark about as Not Cool to do.

Thus, I almost hang my head in Quasi-Shame for inadvertently misleading everyone here through Contradictions between Content & Artistic Entertainment. I don't own a gun. I would prefer not to own one unless having a weapon was Absolutely Necessary. I have held a "real" loaded gun in my hands a few times, but it was to find out how it felt. My father once owned two shotguns we displayed beside a stone fireplace – one from a relative who had fought in the Civil War; the second from my father from the Korean War. They weren't loaded. I rarely touched them.

So why do I continue to advance the Images & Music With Violence when I'm not writing an article-post condemning it? Good question! (Pats Self on back.) Answer/Excuse: I contradict myself – all of the time without realizing it until the words, images, have soared-forth into the Whatever Sphere from the Crackling Brain Wires in my head.

Case in point: This morning I reread yesterday's post to quadruple-check for errors, as anyone who reads my rushed postings will attest, are many, only to discover that I contradicted myself from one line to the next without hesitation or thought. I wrote that I had "never" watched Breaking Bad, and then wrote that I "never returned" to the show after its debut. Huh? Either I HAD seen the show at least once so that I would never return, or I HAD NOT watched it. That section has now been edited and rewritten to clarify what I meant. Okay. No Biggie. Unless one would like to have a clear idea of what the writer is actually conveying. Ahem.
Therefore, I'll fall upon The Sword Of Contradiction and declare that I have No Remorse over having such a confusing quality within my nature, as I believe it can be a unique view of life to see so many layers of Things, People, Issues, Places. Sometimes it can become a Jumble Up There in mine brain to view Life From Both Sides (Wow!), but I believe I'm in good company with that trait:

"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes." *

And so are we all. One way – or another.

Have a lovely day/night/dawn/whatever!

Image via: http://www.theharteofmarketing.com

Walt Whitman, "Song of Myself"

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