Monday, September 9, 2013

'Menz of Power' Do It Again!

Oh please spare us of yet another Menz Of Power Sex-Scandal-Of-Sorts! That randy ole' Robert Kennedy Jr. (aka Quasi-Cad), reportedly kept a personal journal way back in The Day which – somehow – ended-up in the subversive hands of Whoknowswhohah!

That Mysterious Hand made sure that the Little Red Journal would land in a Happy Home someday where its occupants would ensure "leaks" of Certain Sexual Somethings which would eventually be published. How neat and tidy the journal transfer must have been as it has taken quite a while for The World to learn of the Base Desires and Demon Fires of Mr. I-Can-Barely-Understand-A-Word-He-Says Kennedy. (Details HERE )

Naturally, as of This Moment, the spawn of America's Once New Hope, Robert Kennedy, is publicly declaring his Unawareness of having written THAT journal and how in the world would anyone have such a thing in their possession to begin with? He wouldn't do such a thing to his then-wife, would he? Cheat? Then write about it with "scores" and names? No way. Only young horny guys with Ego Issues about The Ladies would literally keep score that way, correct? But then again (as "they" say), one need only know brief tidbits of Mr. Kennedy's reputation to place him in that category.

(We can only hope that his young son Conor DID keep a journal during his 2012 Summer Seeming-Tryst with Stalker Taylor Swift. If so, we can expect a "leak" in a few years where we'll see how Taylor crept into his private pages and drew little butterflies and visions of a Kennedy Wedding into every page.)

I've written of the Pubic Indiscretions of what I deem are Menz Of Power numerous times since TDFB took wing almost three years ago, so I'm not going to repeat myself more than tossing-around a few more additions to the opinions previously expressed. And thus here we are, reading more Dirty Secrets of Another Kennedy Who Can't Be Faithful To A Spouse! What a non-shock considering that infamous family's reputation for infidelities on both ends of the Gender Equation.

A wayward Kennedy is not fresh news at all. We are accustomed to the leaks and stories of the unending infidelities via books and formerly close friends or associates of The Kennedy Men, beginning with Big Daddy Joseph all the way to the Most Public Living Kennedy Male, Robert Jr. What does make this new story both Newsworthy and Not-Really-Worthy of our time, is how it won't tarnish his reputation beyond the Already There Glare from most of his ex-wife's friends who hold him responsible for her suicide last year.

Potential sympathy, empathy and/or compassion for his Inner Plight (at the time of the journal writing, at least) with how he fervently desired to avoid temptation while diving right in anyway, may come from people who are touched by his private remorse. He was/is a Bad Boy who has a conscience…unlike so many others who, to this day, refuse to acknowledge their blatant philandering when it is directly in a Papped Shot published online. So, he'll probably survive this latest "hit."

The fact that while in prison for a short period, RFK Jr. expressed "relief" from not having women in his Hot-To-Trot presence will garner sympathy from other men who have no self control over their Male Parts Friend. Women will probably sigh, roll their eyes, and click on the Red X on their computer screen to move off the page and onto something less tawdry or boring – depending on their tolerance or not for such matters of Personal Business.

Why I'm writing about this story is that Anthony Weiner is on my TV right now spouting more Obvious Desperation-Tinged-Arrogance over his bid to become the Major of NYC despite his horrific position as #4 in the race. His Wiry Pleased-To-Be-Me-So-Don't-You-Dare-Ask-Why-I-Cant-Keep-My-Bulge-To-Myself-And-Wife attitude when confronted by voters during his Useless Campaign wanderings, is quite the opposite of what we now THINK we "know" about how Robert Kennedy Jr..

If I had to make personal choice between the two for whom I would prefer to have a cup of tea, it would be RFK, Jr. hands-down. But I'd make sure he would keep his Hands Off!

Moral of the post? The same-old-same-old "Men Will Be Men" excuse accompanied by explanations. That's how it rolls most of the time, doesn't it?

But I wonder how forgiving The Masses would be should a Wimmen Of Power's Private Conquests be found in written form, listed according to what they did or did not do. I know that many Literary Figures of the female Kind have done similar things to the amusement and horror of friends and lovers during a period of Female Sexual Suppression. A few of them carried-on without care, while others were no longer Accepted Into 'Decent' Society.

In RFK Jr.'s case, he's already Home Free, as he IS "Society" regardless of his Self Image of a Man Of The Environment.

Thanks for stopping by, and have a Wonderful Whatever!

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