Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Secretions

Pristine O'Gosh-Darn-It DIDN'T win! Whew! Everyone in Delaware can start masterbating again.

Randy Pole in Kenfukkyee DID win! This means all women will have to get down on their knees - or else.

Non-Sharing-Sharron Angle DID NOT win! Okay. Now it's time to have a little chat with winner Hairy Rust in a woodshed before he completely forgets where he left his cajones.

Mega Whitewoman DIDN'T WIN! The poor billionaire may need her Social Security check sooner than later. How much of her money from the campaign is a tax write-off? Hmmmmm.......

Carly-Fee-O-Reem-Yo' DID NOT win! Thank God. Now I can finally go to bed knowing my own personal yacht won't be out-sourced as a cruise ship to China.


  1. Hurray so far! Rand Paul was expected. Scary guy.

  2. thank the heavens those women didn't win. it's bad enough that the house was lost and a ton of new governors are repubs.

  3. The Dem's deserved to lose the House. You have it right with respect to Harry Reid as a nerd who doesn't stand up for the issues. John Boehner's probably going to get the Speaker position over Canter, and nothing will get done in Washington for another two years.

    Obama's press conference today about compromise is ridiculous. He's been over-compromising since he took office. His "why can't we all just get along" rosy-eyed perspective has to go. I thought he was smaarter than he's acting. All the Repub's want to do is get him out of office, there's no compromise with them.

  4. Wry humor is appreciated, Shauna.
