Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday Nattering's to Scare the $%! Out of You

Good Monday to you. In light of the death of England's former Prime Minister, the indomitable "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher, a tone has been set throughout the News World to, of course, write hoards of articles, post tons of pictures, and ruminate over what her legacy reflects in the world today. The Primary Image is how she rose from the quasi-ashes of A Simple, Common Life to become the most powerful Woman In The World for the 11 years she controlled Great Britain and the U.S. via the Admiration-Struck Ronald Reagan in particular.

As a woman it was quite nice to see a woman in Power for a change despite disliking her Ultra Conservative views/politics. Beyond that, in her "later years," she quietly slipped away from the spotlight; publically refraining from commenting on Current Issues of the world. A very graceful exit. With that written, I'll leave further remarks on her passing and legacy to the News Pros and step off the Mourning/Remembering boat to wade around in local waters where I may flog Conservative politico's from my own country. It's just the tasteful thing to do, don't you think?

So, who are the targets today? Is it too predictable that I would throw serious shade at lawmakers in South Carolina who want to make Christianity the ONLY legal religion in their highly enlightened state – something that is the precise opposite of what The Constitution "says." But, don't worry. These people LOVE the Constitution so much that they are willing to ditch it in rebellion against our "loose and wayward society" to mix Church and State like a happy bartender in Key West shaking and mixing-up a neat little Mojito. Not only is South Carolina blustering on about a State religion, but other Ultra Conservatives in the U.S. are sniffing around the idea that our country should have ONE religion. Period. That's it. You love Jesus or get the hell out of here!

So loving, these people are. I'm sure Jesus would be proud, were almost everything he stands for not be constantly stained by the very hoards of believers who swear they only want "decency" and morality to thrive while doing everything almost legally possible to oppress anyone who is not like "them." Can you believe it? Can the so-called Tea-baggers/Radicals become more insane? I fear they can, so I'll just shut up and stay far away from gun shows and Baptist Churches in order to live another day.

Yes, the point of this post is to redundantly remind you how mad/crazy our country has become ever since a man of colour was voted into the Highest Office In The Land – TWICE! As dismal as the scenario has become with endless gridlock in Congress; the New War On Women's Rights; untrue accusations that Obama is "ruining" The Constitution (how is he doing that I ask – again?), perhaps it's "just as well" that these ideas, views, opinions, be brought out into the open.

Why? Because, with the startling-to-some shakeup of The Old Norm (White Men Must Rule), it is as if someone pulled out a hidden old dusty rug that had been set aside in the barn or garage for years, then waved it around to set loose the debris left behind on it by KKK energy for all to see. If anyone had doubted that bigotry still exists, it is clearer than it has been since the 60's that America still hasn't grown-up. Better to know thy enemy than not, right?

As so many people say lately, "This is 2013. Why are women having to fight for their rights again? And why do Blacks have to be vilified as 'less than' – again?" Unfortunately, it is the usual cycle of taking many steps backward in order to move forward. That sort of thing. So, here we are. Backing-up. Loading-up. And the "Yee-Haw" of old rides again until another revolution takes place. I only hope it will be another Cultural War rather than the hyperbolic scary threats of a potential Second Civil War – with guns and everything (but no bayonets).

On that lovely note, I bid you a temporary farewell in writing for the day. And, lets not forget: God Bless the United States of America – if The Almighty is still hanging around to watch this mess unfold.

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