Sunday, April 28, 2013

Thoughts & Impressions

These are the impressions of the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner at the Hilton Ballroom in Washington DC last night from someone – me - who was curious-nerdy enough to watch the entire event (minus "the arrivals"):

Best Comedian: The Prez (Unlike Bush who was a joke, Obama can deliver and land one.)

Best Awkward Moment: The camera zooming-in on Newt Gingrich and the Blow-Up Doll beside him standing at their table post-event, alone, glancing around the room as if waiting for admirers to stop by before giving-up and quietly slipping away into the buzzing crowd behind them at other's tables.

Best Celebs: No one appeared to be too terribly out-of-place other than Katy Perry: the hillbilly guy with his hillbilly beard; Sharon Stone reminding us that she still exists in something seriously black.

Nicely Done Celeb Overall Image/Performance: I adore Claire Danes who wore Prada (and something we call "low-key humility"). Although the blue gown was a bit too "light blue" for my taste, it was nice with a clean line with just enough sparkle in just the "right" places. She wore it well…and was charming in general from what one could see on CSPAN with the mountain of grey and balding heads mixed with the flash of a woman's blonde locks piled in a loose yet structured way who we knew was "someone" but what with the bright lights it was often difficult to realize who was who talking to whom and whomever. Not to ignore the brunettes with "Names" and "Fame" whose persons were often seen in the midst of what must have been one of the hottest rooms of Hot Air in DC that night.

Biggest Smiles: Everyone with new veneers.

Largest Ego In the Room: Forget (Leo ) Obama's well-known healthy ego and focus on the obvious: Bill O-Reilly. Why do I think so? Just ask Bill about why he would have the largest ego among large ego's. You'll have your answer in less than 5 seconds.

Thoughts: Why do Event Dinners make the people on the dais eat food under way-too bright lights on a stage in front of thousands of people? It is awkward?! It certainly has been for Michelle Obama in past photos and video of her eating at various events. Thus, I didn't notice "eating" pix/coverage of either The Prez or The First Lady taking part of what sounded like an excellent salad, modest dinner choices, and a dessert I now forget – which could mean it was basic dessert fare for which I don't care.

Additional Thoughts: The décor looked like a large high school auditorium sans balloons. Even if there were no balloons, I could just feel them in the room, ya' know? Or were they really there and I'm trying to block it out?

Otherwise, the WHCD was a tad better this year in terms of the celebrity quality of late. As far as the politicians and media CEO's are concerned, the same cannot be said.

Now that the self-described "Nerd Prom" is over for another year, everyone can get back to slashing each other to verbal pieces on their cable shows, while Mainstream Media (MSM) can return to its Current Owner's And Advertiser's Policies.

Too cynical? Okay. I'll admit is was fun to watch political and media adversaries in one room mingle and jingle about with Hollywood Types. In a human-nature-observation way, "inside" events which bring an otherwise unlikely gathering of High Profiler's together from all of our country's stages are both dull and subtly fascinating.

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