Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Who Deserves a Flog Today?

The Flogging Whip is ready to fast-lash the usual Suspects today. The U.S. Congress, of course. John Boehner next. Mitch McConnell always… But that's not new or even news; therefore, where does one hurl The Whip on someone or something different? How can it be angry with Hot Air Balloons crashing and killing tourists in Egypt? 

No malice exists from The Whip toward victims of explosions, nor can Bad Blood between nations and the havoc their uprisings and wars wreak on The World continue to be a target, as every "side" has legit concerns about their safety (and lack thereof) if their enemies/nemesis' are within missile range. So, why make matters worse and kick all of them when they are up or down, for we all know "what goes up must come down" and everyone is a winner and loser for at least one moment in their lives. (If you understand my point here, then good for you, as I'm not certain what it is... ) Kidding. Sorta.

Thus, to be cheeky and honest at the time time, The Flogging Whip will repeat its latest non-political focus and send Seth WhatsHisName out to the dreaded woodshed where, unfortunately for The Whip, he might enjoy their time together.

Non-Rant Over!

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