Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rainy Day Ramblings

There is a fog upon L.A. – and it's raining. It's gorgeous. It's welcomed.

I've been awake since the wee dark hours for the 5th day in succession, finding myself falling asleep earlier than I have ever gone to bed in my life on a regular basis. Are you like me? If I have to be somewhere (such as an office job) I struggle to get out of bed, into the shower, into the clothing and grooming parts to barely make it in on time. And then, at the end of the day, once home, I'm awake until it's very, very late.

Now that I'm not working for a specific person or place, I jump out of bed early via my own Inner Clock and immediately get down to work before I've finished my first cup of tea; then, if not socializing in the eve, fall into bed with the TV on and quickly fall asleep! Thank God for Hulu and next-day reruns of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report because I'm not able to stay awake for their late shows these days. But I'm def getting my eight hours each night and certainly feel "rested".

Isn't the Above Info precisely why you stopped-by today? C'mon, be honest. You want to know that I'm sleeping well, right? And that "Blue Jay Way" by The Beatles is running in a loop in my head this morning as I look out at the fog in the canyon only a few miles away from where George Harrison penned that little ditty over 40 years ago. Or is it longer than that? Wow. That was a Long Time Ago. "We" were different then. Some of you weren't born at that time. Others may be older and recall "those days" with fondness. Where did the Peace & Love go? And why is having once been a "hippie" considered to be a laughable, negative term? Is it The Birkenstocks And Brown Rice? I ate brown rice but I've never put Birkenstocks on my feet and never will unless that's my only option in the world for footwear.

I find it puzzling when I read and hear people who are younger make disdainful comments about that time period in World History, as the Hippie-Flower-Power days were just as much fun for its participants as were the Roaring 20's with The Flappers dancing the jig and having a wonderfully decadent time. I didn't deride that time period at all when I was a teen looking back on American History. Creativity was high on stage and music, just as it was in the mid-60's through 1973, the year I believe officially killed the spirit of the 60's by moving on to Disco, Polyester Suits & Dancing To Pop Tunes.

The 70's also showed many "Hippies" how fragile the "movement" had become when former Major Social Activist (part of the Chicago Seven*) Jerry Rubin, suddenly, inexplicably, put on a suit and tie and went  into Stocks & Securities and anything else he once railed against. Ouch! Obviously he knew what the future held and where to find his own Bliss without flowers in his hair. That one change signaled the beginning of the divide in political and cultural beliefs between Hippies and what would eventually become The Yuppies – a term coined by a journalist to explain what Rubin had become. It was now time for everyone to become their parents.

Former long-haired men in wrinkled jeans stopped smoking weed in exchange for cocaine, cut their hair, had to get a job, raise families, and become "responsible citizens." Women put away their flowing paisley dresses, cut their hair a bit shorter, put on their version of Business Attire and went out into the Work Force with the occasional trip the The Ladies Room for an afternoon pick-me-up – which lasted for both men and women into recent years until drug-testing began. Now everyone is Clean And Sober and no fun at all and happier for it.

The hair is going grey and many now have not only children but grandchildren! However, the appreciation for the music that came out of The Hippie Daze remains. Why? In many ways, more than nostalgia, the truth is that anyone with a good ear for music knows how bad most of the junk is that has disguised itself as music during this time period compared to the late 60's-early 70's.

Not to suggest horrible tunes didn't pop out of the radio /stereo speakers during that time. They did. However, who now can come up with a pleasing, innovative Rock Opera as The Who did with Tommy? Or create tunes with multi-layers of sound and harmony as the Crazy Phil Spector could produce? The whimsical sweetness of some of the Beatles' tunes? The classical music influences slipped within the refrain or bridge of a heavy rock piece?

I know there are incredibly creative musicians out there who will never get a chance to play on The World Stage because the minimization of non-creative music is leading the way. When we have a Little White Boy who looks like a Baby Lesbian trying to be a Hip-Hop Thug at the top of the music charts singing (sorta) a form of Bubble-Gum Rap...well, need I write more?

The point is that liking "the older bands" does not make one "old." It makes one discerning. There is substance involved in many of the lyrics from "the old days" which are relevant now. And, naturally, substance use helped to fuel the music. The difference is that for most singers and musicians these days, they aren't the ones writing the music. The Sober Ones are! Aha!

Just kidding. Maybe.

Enough of this ramble about music, pop culture and drugs. I need to get going and roll a joint find something decent to play for our daily music video. What a difficult task. Hah! (Actually, it is if I want to play something new and different.)

Enjoy what remains of your weekend!

* Chicago Seven Info Link

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  1. Shauna, I don't have Google acct to sign in with. I feel best being anonymous. Respnding to your post on music I must agree 100%. It's ridiculous how kids are calling people names like "hippie" if you tell them how you spent your 20's in full-blown drug-induced, sex-fueled, hugging huddles whle rolling on a lawn on LSD and looking at the sky. Magic was in the air then although it was part of a dream. The best music will live on as all music does. My neice always slams me for puling out my guitar to strum notes from Stairway to heaven because it's not the music that's happening now. I smile and keep on strumming. One day she'll wake up and before I know it she'll be wearing Birkenstocks and eating brown rice instead of white with her sushi.

    Like your view of what's happening now v then.

    A Fan

  2. Hello "Fan" - You have the "right" attitude. It's always a generational thing, tho'... BUT, I still don't "get" the negativity in general from "kids." It's not as if the music has radically changed from THEN to NOW other than the quality, IMO. Or even with some of the "style" - I was wearing ripped jeans with cool boots in the "old days."

