Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Keep Those Fires Burning

Senator Harry Reid is a Little Devil - as it turns out. The barely audible, whispering, wimpy-seeming senator who holds the Mighty Position of Senate Majority Leader, has a tendency to use his almost-always-on fireplace as the trash bin for Missives & Suggestions from anyone, including the president's own notes to him for what to concede in the recent Fiscal Cliff Brew-Hah-Hah! * I love it. Don't like it? Then toss it in the fire and be done with it.

And, if you think Reid can't handle a slam-in-the-face without giving it away that he knew what he was doing when he feigned surprise that Speechless Boehner said "F-You" to him when their paths met in a White House Lobby following Reid's rather stern verbal take-down of Boehner, et al, on the Senate Floor, then you missed the guileless response of incomprehension Reid retorted. Of course Mr. Reid knew he would fan the already Smoke Of Wrath emanating out of Boehner's ears over losing support for his absurd "Plan B' debacle last week. To feign "I don't know know what you're talking about" ignorance to even the second Boehner "F-You" was savvy. Perhaps many of us have underrated the guy. Seems a bit steely at the core, eh? However, he gave up the dance and let Good Ole' Joe smooth the waters. Wise move – get out of the way of The Crazies's Demands and toss another bunch of papers into the fireplace.

This latest drama is mild compared to how it "used to be" in the U.S. when disagreements broke out between parties and individuals. We have a fairly colourful history which somehow is cast aside to maintain the rosy glow of how all Americans "should" perceive America. Yes, most of us are aware that things weren't always calm or civil in our political environment, but in light of what we face today, it is wonderfully fun and educational to learn more about just how Uncivil we have been and why. There are similarities to The Present, which is why I urge everyone to read the below linked article.

I know I've been linking to a lot of articles lately…but believe me, I think they are worth it as they certainly aid in my inspiration to view Our Present Political Climate with History and Facts – as well as fascinating thoughts on Other Topics.

Hope you enjoy this one. History Can Be Fun

Image via:

* The Story


  1. who knew - haha - the south is full of rednecks - then and now


  2. Hello Garbo - Thanks for posting!
