Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Shall We Dance?

Ah, the Morning After! Back to work or whatever it is that we do each day. The Party Is Over in The States and now we're off to the races, as "they" say in the classic cliché. Before we get back into the grousing and back-biting of Washington Politics, a few words are in order regarding yesterday's Pomp & Some Kind Of Non-Regal-Regal Circumstance. 

It is a "Regal" event to inaugurate a president/leader in most countries. The USA is no different. We do our own version of Pageantry with Troops Marching In Review past the president as if we were in The Queen's Jubilee ceremonies. I kept looking for William and Kate for the waving part but they were nowhere to be found. Just a bunch of Americans smiling and waving.

Yes indeed. There is nothing like a huge celebration, is there? Out come the white ties, champagne, curvy women with long hair singing everywhere from the VIP/Presidential & Big-Wiggies Section at the Capitol, to showing-up at Stage Left at a Ball to croon to The First Couple as they dance-romanced their way into non-hardened hearts one more time. We could almost call it the "Last Dance" as the Obama's won't have another Inaugural Ball. They will, however, have another four years. Thank God. And, God Bless America it wasn't Mittsky and Ann in the middle of our National Seal Of Approval gazing into each other's eyes last night.

All went very well from what the public could see during the entire day of festivities – public and private. Our Always-In-Danger President and The First Lady walked through the streets of Washington DC without wearing helmets or obvious body armor and managed to remain alive. I'm sure it was another Secret Service Nightmare; however, kudos to the agents for doing an obviously excellent job of protecting The Prez, et al. A well-oiled machine when they aren't having parties with hookers, eh?

On the other side of things, the GOP's Speaker Of The House, Mr. Orange Tears John Boehner, has to be feeling even sadder than usual after (by now) having seen the GIF of Michelle Obama's now-infamous eye-roll at something he said to the president during their brunch-lunch. If you haven't watched the fabulous Moment Of Truth, check it out HERE. Hah!

The focus of many an article today in various online magazines and blogs about The Inauguration is Fashion! How Michelle Obama looked in her coat, dress, gown. I thought she looked good, but I like men's clothes at these affairs (dresses/gowns are usually too frilly for my taste), and I'm wondering why Prez Obama's Tux Jacket was so bulky-looking from a side view. The cut of the jacket was wrong for his physique. Tails or a shorter coat would have been better. But I did like the White Tie.

Oh yeah, and The Prez gave a very good speech! In fact, it might have been history-making. But, about those gowns...

UPDATED: And now, What About Beyonce's Lip-Syncing-Singing? Oh Horrors! She isn't perfect! Sheesh! READ THIS DITTY

See you tomorrow!

Image via: Reuters

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