Thursday, January 24, 2013


I must weigh-in on Today's Buzzy Newz that is going around in both humorous memes and numerous articles, along with TV coverage and Print Media in the form of THIS regarding the grilling, drilling and, for a few GOPer's, shilling for 2016, by certain members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday during Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's Benghazi testimony -  as well as the mild brew-hah-hah over Madam Secretary's intense outburst at the narrow focus on why it happened and the Let's Blame Hillary crowd.

And wouldn't you know it? Already Faux News And Friends are accusing Clinton of deliberately "acting" her outrage whenever she dared to stand up for not only herself but the State Department in general. She did her version of "Lip-Lynching" – as it were. *rolls eyes*

I don't care if she was "acting" – because if she was, which I doubt, it's TIME for People In Office to raise their voices to Be Heard And Noticed Enough for the primary point of why they are speaking at all. Intentional or not, we all perk up when someone expresses intensity in an "outburst" – the shock of such an unusual sight in the midst of attempts to be unnecessarily polite can certainly make a dent in the Primarily Obtuse Politicians who spend more time running around to keep their Money Men happy than showing-up for key votes – you know, as I always write – DOING THEIR JOBS!

Back go we to Hillary Clinton's strength in the Literal Face of GOP Hostility. Okay, guys. Yes, the American Embassy was not protected in a proper, safe way considering the overall political climate in that region. Money was not approved via a chintzy GOP and a few so-called "Democrats" to cover everyone. Benghazi fell through the Communication Hole we witnessed in the ignored briefs warning of 9/11. Unfortunately, it happens. No military, political, or civilian units, can avoid important info failing into The Void.

How to "fix" this problem is one of the points Mrs. Clinton was there to discuss yesterday – not just sit on a Hot Seat and have a crew of Embittered Political Losers slap wet towels in her face, as did my Current Favourite Wingnut, Rand Paul. He said he would have fired her had he been president because she didn't receive the missive from the Embassy, nor did she go on the Tee Vee Shows to beat her chest in a Huge Mea Culpa. In other words, for primarily political purposes, the incident in Benghazi became the rallying cry for a pile-up on a woman who many in Congress feel should be baking cookies in the kitchen.

Of course, the hearings weren't as vitriolic as others many of us have seen through the years – such as Watergate; the Clarence Thomas Supreme Court Nomination proceedings; McCarthy-era madness. Nevertheless, it was a long three hours – which The Secretary handled quite well and with a fierce backbone I believe few would want to challenge in private.

Now that it is almost a Done Deal that Senator John Kerry will become the New Secretary Of State, in a fairly "karmic" way, the timing of Clinton's testimony so close to her departure, will leave behind a visual legacy of her No-Nonsense Approach. Although appearing exhausted at times (who wouldn't?) she used remarkable stamina over the miles and miles of flying and prying into World Affairs when needed, and walked with seasoned, diplomatic courage, into one of The Biggest World Messes Ever in Modern Times – and managed to come out of each palace, each office, with the respect of World Leaders, if not her poisonous American naysayers.

Good job, Madam Secretary. Bravo!

Image via: NBC News


  1. Hillary 2016!

    I love the title, Shauna. Best personal blog I read every day. Keep it up.

  2. Thanks, Anon. Appreciate your feedback!
