Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Weekly Fluff

I'm sure you were entertained beyond your wildest dreams with yesterday's AT&T slap-down. To ensure your continuing interest in all things inane I care to share, we're back to another round of insipid information regarding our most beloved/be-hated Public Figures.

For now, let's ignore the Fiscal Cliff and focus on the other cliffs several Famous People are literally falling off of. (Shame on me for such poor grammar!)

Today's news brings us back to the legal travails of a young messed-up brat with two dysfunctional parents with whom she has been trapped one way or another. Of course The Brat is none other than Lindsay Low-Hand – arrested AGAIN for yet another fracas. This time in NYC. This time for slapping a woman at yet another club at another ungodly hour (4:00 am). In truth, this time I'm surprised. How many hours does this person spend at clubs? How many nasty fights can one get into every other month?  One of her last club run-ins was at a club in L.A. where Linds threw a drink at someone. Or someone threw a drink at her. It doesn't really matter. Drinks were involved; a club was the scene; the end result was more Bad Lindsay headlines. How is it possible to NOT write about this latest development although I am just as tired of the Lohan Drama as most of you may be at this stage. To avoid redundancy, HERE ARE THE DETAILS for your reading displeasure.

Need I write more other than to point the Flogging Whip in her direction? Aside from the obvious – she needs Rehab more than Charlie Sheen ever did (at least he doesn't steal jewelry or slap strangers – just his wives and girlfriends) – this train wreck is another low-life example of what happens when one lives in Fantasy Land about their importance, as well as ignoring Anger And Substance Abuse issues. I wonder what the courts on both coasts will do this time. I think she's had enough slap-on-the-wrists and may end up behind those locked cell doors longer than a minute this time around. We shall see, won't we?

On Familial Cliff news, Whitney Houston's beleaguered daughter, Bobbi, drove herself down an embankment the other day for driving in the wrong lane or something. She's fine, but her kinda brother-lovah, Nick Gordon, decided to follow Bobbi into Reckless Driving Territory by gunning his car into 80 mph in a 35 mph zone, thus catching the eye of police and adding to the latest Houston Drama. "They" say that Bobbi and Nick have broken-up. If so, both of them are doing a fine job of handling their emotions behind the wheel. All of this went down in Georgia. See? Not everything happens in L.A. when it involves car wrecks and speed.

According to the Most Reliable Former Mistress Big Mouth, Gennifer Flowers (remember her?), Mr. Willy-Nilly Billy Clinton supposedly called upon Mizzy Flowers in 2005 for a little in person "chit chat" of sorts wherein she turned him down, then told the media, and is claiming that had it not been for her "outing" Clinton during his first Prez Run as his "lover" for many years, no one would have known his name. What's a mistress to do? Stay silent? Nope. Not this one. If true, then Mr. Clinton's tendency to follow his Other Head than the brilliant one he uses to move the masses hasn't changed. I expected that there would be Another Woman (or Wimmens) on "the side" over the years, but to be so desperate as to contact the very person who blew your cover (among other areas) is beyond absurd. It is stupid. No wonder Hillary isn't going for another round as Secretary of State. Her next job has to be Set To Escape. Talk about tough negotiations!

And what about another Family-Over-The-Cliff? Halle Berry. Need I write more?

How about the latest on Kristen Stewart's "Ick" attitude toward her Not True Love, Robert Pattinson? As in, "Don't touch me" or "kiss me" or even smile at me – in public, at least. What a joke all of that pining-away was a few months ago. Hard Azz Stewart is back again to retain her "I'm so edgy" image while she shows-up at a variety of events attempting to look glam one day, then back to her I'm Wearing Pajamas Or Something Yucky Again style for other photo-ops. Sigh. Little Mizz Muppet has the Media as her puppet, it seems.

"The time is nigh" said Brad Pitt when asked by People Magazine when he and Angelina Jolie will finally wed. "Nigh"? Why doesn't he just speak his regular English to the press rather than always slipping a supposed "I'm edgy-cated" word into his sound bites. I love the English language. I'm usually impressed with those who use words other than what may be expected considering how the I-Net has begun to ruin what remains of comprehensible words. But Mr. Pitt will not, can not, say something simple such as "Soon" and leave it at that. Nope. He has to bring a "special" word and the kids into the dialogue. It's never that he and Angie WANT to marry. It's because "the kids" are "pressuring" them into it. How romantic.

Well, the time is more than nigh for me to bid adieu to this post. I shall return in less than a fortnight to bring joy, levity, and viable news from around the Interwebs to your Cranium Center just for kicks.

Have a lovely day (or whatever) ...

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