Thursday, November 8, 2012


While America is sleeping-off the results of the election – whether their "person" won or not – I, as an American, choose not to doze. I am full of absolutely rambling sense and non-sense today. We need a break from politics for at least 24 hours, don't you think? I'll even throw in a few Mea Culpa's just for fun and to ease my paranoia. Such as: For shame! I misspelled KIRSTIE Alley's name in my last "The Weekly Fluff" post. I wrote "Kristie." My only excuse is that I have no excuse. I DID correct it all – after-the-fact. Now, will you ever trust me again?

Also, re: politics for a second: I expected a Voter Recount and played it "safe." No voter recount is happening despite a wait for New Jersey's tally by tomorrow night, along with the usual fracas of one sort or another in Florida – which, according to "someone somewhere" is still "too close to call."

There. That does it for the "I Made Mistakes" portion of the post.

On to subjects of muy importante. Oh, that reminds me: for too long I misspelled "Cojones" as "Cajones." That's an example of why I didn't do very well in Spanish in High School. Soy muy perezoso en la cabeza. Impressed? No? Say-Lah-Vee, cuz' I know my French. Especially when it involves kissing and also having Mussels with proper Frites served with excellent French-only Brie on a fresh French Baguette. Aren't you happy to know this info? I bet you are deep down in your cold, black heart…which must be black if you have no sense of humour. Or if you feel I'm not funny in the least. Which is subjective, of course. I'll forgive you if you forgive me. No Unconditional Forgiveness Allowed.

So, what else isn't new to rattle-on about? BIG NEWS! Southern California has a few rain drizzles today and isn't Sunny And Sunny-Hot. Believe it or not, some of us look upon a Nor'easter with envy. Power Outages? Nah. No problem. We get that throughout the summer and when it rains really hard. Not to forget that in L.A. The Parade Of Egos are so strong they provide the wattage needed to find one's way home – or to the nearest New Club where Everyone Has A Generator to keep the bubbles and martini's and other substances pouring/blowing/glowing.

Crazy Personal Newz: In most of the U.S., hearing gunfire in one's neighbourhood isn't considered to be a Cause For Alarm. Someone is always shooting something, or hunting, or killing a spouse. In these here hills in which I live, however, a Major Event happened while I was away wherein I was told helicopters were flying all over the place and a "Code 3" was called. Black & Whites (the police Driving Machines) were crawling the area. WTF is a "Code 3"? Neighbours called the police and were told to "stay inside" for their safety. What it "turned out" to be was a guy who was shooting his Bee-Bee/BB gun into a target in his backyard. Having not warned neighbours of his intent, everyone panicked. The Code 3 (that no one knew existed until that day and evening) must have cost the city a few large buckeroonies (yes, I wrote that word) because some Apparently Uncivilized Nice Neighbourhood Hill/Canyon Dweller felt like getting his Bee-Bee's off. Now that we've all been forewarned, he is having at whatever his target may be on an escalating basis. I don't know which home is his, as we have echoes here in the canyon/hills, but I'm not feeling like he's shooting just for "Sport." Another reason to stay in the house and not go for a nice, long walk. (My Recluse Opinion, of course.)

Irony? Was chatting with my mother yesterday who, in response to a remark I made about having burned my hand on something due to exhaustion, interrupted me with a story she felt was far more important – which was/is that a new friend who recently moved into her building has had two car accidents in less than a week (neither of her own making) along with a botched Cataract Surgery on the same day as one of the accidents. My mother mentioned that she likes her new friend, but feels she is "temperamental" and "high-strung" based on a conversation they had regarding all of the above - and might be someone "who has things happen to her." Uh, Dear Mother. You are describing Your Daughter. When Things Keep Happening To People Like Us, we become more than a tad "temperamental." Who wouldn't? Oh, I get it. Yoga, right? Meditation. I've done it all.

Thank you, Xanax.

That's all she wrote on this wonderfully overcast Autumn Day.

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