Friday, November 16, 2012

Raising Cain

What's going on with John McCain these days? He's running around Washington yelling to anyone who would listen that Susan Rice is not "qualified" to be Secretary of State; that SHE is responsible for the initial, unclear, speculations and supposed erroneous reasons the CIA brought out for the Benghazi attack on the U.S. Embassy which killed four, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

In fact, McCain is SO intent on calling-out Rice for being a liar and inept and everything else he feels she is or isn't, that he didn't bother to show up to the actual Benghazi Briefing in Washington on Wednesday. Yes, he's THAT passionate about the issue!

Has John McCain finally lost his marbles and wants to go home? If so, I can assure him that many in The Beltway would be thrilled to see him go. What has he done for anyone lately other than embarrass himself and his already embarrassing GOP party? I thought he was trying to be an "Elder Statesman" in the waning days of his once-promising political career. Now he is acting like a bitter, deranged man who has drunk too many cups of tea filtered with limes rather than lemons with honey. Bitter Is As Bitter Does.

Is John secretly filing a Secede Petition along with others in the U.S. who have devolved into 2nd Grade behaviour now that they didn't get their way on Election Day. Leaving a country one doesn't want to live in for various reasons is fine. Go. I have written that I would be willing to leave the U.S. if a very rigid, anti-social programs and Back To The 50's mindset prevailed in the elections. But to be so blatantly childish to expect one's state to "secede" simply baffles me. Weren't these people The Patriots wringing their hands over what they feel is no longer "their" country, stomping their feetsies in The House to block anything the Democrats wanted to do just like Good Ole' Americans are supposed to do if they disagree with policy? Nope. Instead, they want to break-up The Union; cause an internal war; create anarchy in the midst of Mother Nature's own version of Anarchy Over The World in the form of natural disasters and misplaced peoples? Aren't things chaotic enough?

No, apparently. Crazy Is As Crazy Does and once more the uber-Conservatives are showing their narrow-mindedness with this ridiculous "Secede" thingy. Leave the country, then, if you don't like Obama and his policies. Don't rip up the country you supposedly hold so dear. Stay in your Little Bubble of Bigotry and Greed and try again another year.

Meanwhile, back we go to John McCain's insane antics. No, he doesn't really want to go home. He wants to remain relevant in Washington and appears to be panicking. Below is an excerpt from Ryan Grim's Huffington Post article today which may explain why Mr. McCain is going into a spiral-of-sorts:

….in January, the Arizona senator will lose his top-ranking committee seat due to term limits. The only ranking Republican spot available to him next session will be on the Indian Affairs Committee.
Unless, that is, the Senate creates a brand-new select committee. On Wednesday, McCain, flanked by Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), proposed just that: a select committee with extensive authority to investigate the Benghazi, Libya, attack and the U.S. government's response.

The Republican most likely to hold the ranking spot on such a panel would be, of course, John McCain, giving the Arizona senator a new burst of relevance.

McCain, who lost the 2008 presidential race to Barack Obama, undermined his effort to create the select committee on the same day he proposed it, when he skipped a private congressional briefing on Benghazi and instead held a press event to complain about not getting briefed enough on Benghazi -- and then became aggressive with a reporter who questioned him about it.
Aha! The Indian Affairs Committee? Oh, what a slap in the face that would be, eh?
Now it all makes Crazy Sense. John doesn't want to be called Sitting Bullshit and made to smoke a Peace Pipe.

Image via: (Reuters)


  1. LOL!!!! GREAT ONE!

    Where did you find that picture LMAO!


  2. He has LOST his mind.

