Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Heads-Up, Pants Down

Alright. Okay. We have a Bigger Scandal brewing in the U.S. Military today than we had yesterday. Of course, you know what I will write: There Goes Those Menz Of Power again who have difficulty remaining faithful to their spouse(s). That line was kind considering the snarky-snarks I could include; however, I'm a bit confused by this Big Hot Mess; thus I'll simply attempt to recount what I'm gleaning from the Headline Blazing articles zooming all over the Interwebs and via The Hosts/Anchors of TV Newz Outlets who are all a-buzz with something new to discuss now that the election is over.

Here is how I'm absorbing the information: A geeky-looking retired Four Star General became the CIA Director. After his promotion, he began an affair with a woman he had known for several years. They emailed sexy words to each other. They met for what we assume was sex somewhere over a two-year period behind the backs of their spouses. The now-disgraced former General and CIA director resigned from his position amid the mounting evidence of his affair via the FBI's investigation into "harassing" emails another woman associated with the Geeky Guy claims were sent to her by the man's "mistress."

No one has yet come forward to explain exactly what the nature of the relationship between the Other-Other Woman and the now-former CIA Leader was/is/could have been. No one has actually explained why the New Woman In The Scandal felt so threatened that she had to contact a friend in the FBI, but she did and all hell broke loose. Add that to the new fact that another (currently active)  Military General who is a friend of the Other-Other Woman exchanged approximately 20-30,000 reported "flirtatious" emails and/or documents related/directed/or something, to the woman who is a Florida Socialite with minor ties to the military. Now this New Player-General, who was slated to be promoted to a higher position via Prez Obama is also married and probably won't receive his promotion because he has been a Bad Boy, although at this point no one really knows (or will say) precisely how far the association with the Socialite (who is also married) went.

The FBI, in an effort to find out if Classified Information was exchanged/hinted-at between the Former General/CIA Chief and The First Other Woman, descended upon her abode (where she has not been seen since the Word Got Out about the affair) wherein they confiscated boxes and things to look into. Meanwhile, The Other Woman's husband had to cancel a Birthday Party for his wife when the Newz Broke about the Scandal ala Military Pants-Down. Supposedly. I don't know what's true. Now it is reported that The Other Woman was with her husband at a chic "getaway" kind of place when Everything (?) was revealed. Huh?

Re: The Socialite may be more than a basic freaked-out person who received emails from a possible jealous First Other Woman, but one who had been carrying-on an "inappropriate" email correspondence with The Other General who is a friend of her family. In fact, all concerned (meaning the spouses and Socialite and Other General) were so close they would have parties together.

Still with me? Probably not. I'm confused as hell. Well, not really. Seems to me that the Bottom Line is Menz Can't Be Trusted, nor can Wimmen Seeking Power. Odd thing about all of this is that both women look like twins. And one of them IS a twin.

Hmmm. I smell a pattern.

Stay tuned…

The picture above features the Two Stars of this post; General John Allen and Former General David Petraeus.
Image via: news.nationalpost.com


  1. why is the media going after the women in the story instead of the men? they can't fathom their 'patriots' playing the same game as trailer trash types and celebrities play? has to be a cheap ho instead of a woman who is obsessed?


  2. Hello "Pfft." I think all sides of this story are being flogged...not just the women involved. Try not to take Pat Robertson, et al, too seriously.

    Thanks for taking the time to comment.
