Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pet Drama

Good day to you... The Shauna Z homestead is in a bit of turmoil today due to the possibility of taking the household's new pet to the vets - possibly not to return. It's a sad decision all pet owners must make, and sadder still as the new cat (although very old) has brought a bright new energy into the realm. But it's a truth that sometimes elderly pets who just lost their owner from a long-standing illness often follow.

Needless to say, my focus is elsewhere at the moment.

Will return soon.....

UPDATE: Saturday, 14 March: Thanks to those who sent private emails regarding the above post. The household's new friend had to go on to play in another "reality" after a stellar 20 years of feisty-ness here on Planet Earth. A toast to all pet owners and pets everywhere! A long and good life was had by the black and white tiny cat who looked like a kitty but was really a grand-mitty.

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