Thursday, March 8, 2012

How Green Is Your Valley?

I woke up this morning wondering what to write today, but nothing raised the still sleeping Flogging Whip. The Rush saga is now tiresome, U.S. politics remains a strange game as the GOP continues to grudgingly support Mr. Perfect Mitt Romney for the presidential bid, while Mr. Sanctimonious Rick Santorum nips at his heels. Yawn.

But one announcement today proves that Hell has indeed frozen over: Pat Robertson, the religious leader and one who blames natural disasters and terrorism on gays and women and most peoples of colour, and, of course, lack of praying, thinks that marijuana should be legal. Of course, he doesn't smoke it and, according to him, never has, but allows himself a drink of alcohol or two every now and then, so what's the difference between a little toke on a weed and a few shots of tequila? Not much, per Mr. Robertson. Read It Here

After having a second cup of strong black tea I re-read the Robertson article to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Yes, it's true. What's next, I wonder? Will Rihanna try to get Chris Brown to dump his girlfriend and go back to her now that the scars from his brutal beating on her face have healed and are but a mere memory? Uh, yeah, that seems to be going on, too.

While perusing a few entertainment gossip and "news" sites to ensure the continuing degeneration of my mind, headlines were shouting out a Twitter war of the words that went down recently between little ole'  misguided Rihanna and Brown's latest g-friend (whose name I won't bother to write as her few minutes of "fame" may soon be over). If you haven't heard/read the mess, here are the mature words she tossed Rihanna's way on Twatter: Paraphrasing, "I'm Angelina, you're Jen..." Referring, naturally, to the Greatest BS 'Love Triangle' of almost all time cuz, girlfriend is with Chris (as Angelina is with Brad Pitt, and Jen is not, get it?), and Rihanna isn't. Supposedly. Despite holding hands at a private party and being all cozy together and stuff.


Maybe I'll return to the marijuana focus. TMZ has provided their readers with the latest episode of "Weeds" courtesy of the Afghanistan war: Waste Not, Want Pot

On that high note, I leave you for today. I have things to do, such as call my dealer now that Pat Robertson has given the okay. May God bless his strange little heart.

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