Monday, February 20, 2012

Hey Rick, I Don't Like You

I haven't written about politics in the U.S. with any depth in a while because the only depth I've seen is how low most of the GOP mouthpieces and Prez Hopefuls have sunk in their attempts to out-Conservative one another. In addition, the incessant in-fighting with the GOPer's has become less of a humorous headline than another example of how childish, desperate-for-power and sleazy the political field is for the Republicans.

One day Newt rips Mitt a new one over something. Then someone else slams Newt for hypocrisy. Now Newt is allowing his wife, Callista, to wave her bejeweled hand to the unwashed masses and, at the same time, open her mouth to speak.

Oh, those political wives. They'll say and do anything to help their man get into that big white house in that swampy town of DC. Until they actually have to live in that place. As with Romney's fortune and 9,000 homes across the land the size of little villages, Newt lives a nice life as well, and I doubt that Callista will approve the decor of the aging house just as Nancy Reagan found herself in less-than-luxurious surroundings compared to her previous abodes when she and her "Ronnie" were its inhabitants. Does anyone recall the "stir" when Nancy changed the china to something nicer than what had been offered? Oh my! She was vilified! NEW china? Heaven forbid! Wasn't the country in a recession then - or something?

Writing of the political circus beyond a few remarks from time-to-time has lost its cotton-candy appeal now that Rick Santorum (aka Mr. Sanctimonious) has continued to bring religion into the discourse. Now, that's not funny. Nor remotely humorous. Or American, if one is to hearken back to the Constitution regarding the "Separation of Church and State" that I referenced yesterday in a link to Santorum's accusation against President Obama for not following the "Bible" in his leadership.

Such broad, absurd pronouncements, make me mad. Bible-thumping in politics brings the Flogging Whip into play. Why? Doesn't he too have free speech? Sure he does. BUT, he is a public figure; running for the highest office in the land, as it were, parroting the narrow beliefs of his "base" - which, I must say, is "base" within the slurs, racial innuendos, and accusations of every kind, as well as the extraordinary disrespect the GOPer's have shown toward their President. No one, not one President of the U.S. in modern times, has ever received such crass disrespect via the infamous shouted "You lie" during a speech.

Or publicly taken to task (it was to appear) on an airstrip as Governor Brewer of AZ did a  few weeks ago apparently to make herself look strong to her Republican constituents. MAJOR DISRESPECT NO MATTER WHAT THE PROBLEM INVOLVED.

In the midst of the most embarrassing, lying, inarticulate moments, years' worth, of George W's presidency, no Democrat ever screamed at him in public despite the ill-will. Tell me, where is the "Love thy neighbour" thingy when certain peeps don't get their way? Goes right out the door when they leave church, doesn't it?

Santorum's recent insinuations, direct blatherings (from which he is backing-away - to an extent) is a mind-set I fear the most for tossing America into the current toilet. Using religion as a deflection tactic is yet another way the GOP is attempting to ensure that their "audience" focuses on religion, rather than the economy; to deflect from how the GOP has refused to aid its country in the name of political mud-slinging; to flaunt the fact that Obama doesn't get up in front of a podium and start preaching to the choir. The issue is, I and many (millions) of people in the U.S. don't want our politicians making decisions based on their religion - whatever it may be.

And, if those who wish to use their religion as the backbone for tearing-down Obama, I believe a refresher from the Bible may be in order: There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. Proverbs.

The bellowing of the "Right" is that the U.S. is no longer what it used to be. (Meaning: NOT TOTALLY WHITE.) Immoral. (Meaning: NOT ALL CHRISTIAN.)

You know something, you Santorum-type people? If you so dislike the way in which the country is run during a crisis created by a string of president's over the years, why don't YOU GUYS LEAVE?

I know that I and others have become so disgusted with the actions of both the Congress and a few of the moves Obama has made that we have commented on leaving the States. Nope. Changed my mind for now. As I just wrote, Mr. Sanctimonious and friends, YOU GO AWAY and live someone else where Religion rules the actions of governments. Or, go find your own island. I'm sure between Mitt and Newt and the Koch brothers and all of the other hidden billionaires who fund the top GOP campaigns, they can afford to create their own Promised Land...with no "Big Government" interference other than that little hidden Camcorder in everyone's bedroom and doctor's office.


  1. OH THOSE POLITICAL WIVES: "For the first time in my life, I'm proud of my country." "Living in the White House is hell." Michelle Obama

  2. Actually, I was on "Nancy's side" w/ regard to the china and how difficult it is for the wives if they want to live in the dank museum. I wouldn't want to live there...and I'm sure it's "hell" w/ no privacy, no real physical freedom in the outside world unless an entire group of SS agents go to Target w/ you. And so on.

  3. Anybody with half a brain knows that was a photo op to make Michelle look like she's just a normal ordinary housewife doing her shopping. Meanwhile, she's on her 16th vacation at the moment in Colorado. I wish I were that ordinary.
