Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Who Deserves a Flog Today?

"A summer battle is brewing. This week, a combative President Obama named three new candidates to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. 

He highlighted the large number of vacancies on the D.C. circuit, whose influence is considered second only to the Supreme Court. Aides say the president is exasperated by Republican efforts to block his appointments. 

If the nominees are not confirmed quickly, Democrats are threatening to re-write Senate rules -- effectively ending the G.O.P.’s ability to filibuster nominees. Critics accuse the president of trying to “pack the court” and warn that changing filibuster rules could backfire on democrats." 

The above statement is from the  website following Obama's Press Conference to introduce the above-mentioned judicial candidates early last week. The entire idea of continuing to block almost every judicial nominee this president has offered to The People is another example of how Democracy isn't working these days based on the continuing tantrums of the much be-loathed GOP. 

I have ranted and ranted until my typing fingers have grown tired of the Continuing Obstructions. The anger within me has faded into an eye-rolling condition we shall name as the "I'm Sick of This Crap Syndrome." However, I am fortunate to have a writer-friend who stated her opinion on the above quite succinctly in a Facebook rant, and has generously allowed me to re-post. I like it because it's to the point; heartfelt; and from someone who has worked in politics.

It's my pleasure to share TDFB's First Guest Writer, Ilona Saari, who wrote on June 4, 2013:

Oh, Lord help us -- "packing the court"???? Since when is it packing a court to nominate judges to fill vacancies? Democrats never slimed a Republican President or the office of the Presidency this much or the way the GOP has done these past 5 years - the blind hatred of a President who was the first elected President since Reagan to win w/ over 50% of the country voting for him is mindboggling since he's done nothing to deserve it... Not even W was slimed the way Obama is. And the way they treat the First Lady breaks my heart. It's all just disgusting.

I think I could deal w/ the lies and phony accusations if the Republicans actually DID something... offered new ideas, new laws, new policies other than just trying to destroy everything the Democrats have tried to do. I don't know how they sleep at night... because of them veterans are not getting much needed funding or care, they're trying to take away healthcare from the working class and the working poor, they refused to come up w/ a jobs bill or help Americans in any way get back to work, they want students to pay more interest on their student loans than corporations making billions, - the list is endless. I never thought I could despise a party or a group of politicians - Hell, I worked for many Republican politicians during my political career -- but I despise them now. They're horrible, horrible people and certainly not patriots.

Could not have said it better myself.

For further info on Ilona Saari, please visit her food blog:

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