Monday, August 5, 2013

The Weekly Fluff

Good Monday to you! Let's begin the week on the Lowest Note Possible, shall we? Yes, it's time to finally bring back The Weekly Fluff for your quasi-pleasure of Celebrity Gossip Treasure! So, what are The Popular's and Non-Popular's up to these days?

Do we care? Must we focus on such inanity? Sure. Why not? According to The Newz the U.S. may be under attack by Really Bad Terrorists in the very near future anywhere in the world where they/we have embassies and so on, thus people (not animals) have been urged to NOT travel abroad or almost anywhere beyond their front door (unless one lives in A Super Bubble Of Flame/Nuclear Bomb/Radiation-Resistant Material). Therefore, while we wait and watch for our inevitable demise, why not enjoy a Guilty Pleasure?

According to numerous "reports" from all over the Web, the following info is what the wicked tongues of Salacious Gossip are reading and writing concerning our Usual And Unusual Suspects and how TDFB (me) perceives the Intel:

Numerous actress' have Boobs and show them off all the time!

Many actors have Special Bulges which are quite obvious, particularly when the Male Of Interest is jogging without "aid" in those there Menz Parts. Women swoon, gay men croon, and Hanes' Jock Strap Marketing Department no longer allows long lunches at noon. (Something like that, if you know what I mean.)

Lotsa sex going on between non-married-to-each-other Others who are married and cheating on their Significant Others! Wow!

And, of course, Jennifer Aniston is playing with everyone's minds again as she continues to wear tight-tight-tight gowns/dresses which show a fairly predominant "bump" in a certain area of her body where Babies Grow, feeding on the endless years of speculation over whether she is or isn't preggers at any given moment in time for years and years. Oh, that little tease! And then, she just HAD to allow her Hair-Meister to post an Instagram of her sans makeup so we will all feel even worse about ourselves. Thanks, Jen. My mirror hates you. But then, I am a wee bit older...

And then there is Poor Simon Cowell's supposed dilemma over what to do with Lauren Whatshername now that she told him she's carrying his Baby!!! Good grief!  "How did that happen?" everyone is asking for tons of reasons. "Everyone" includes Mr. Cowell. I'll leave it at that (wink-wink).

Someone just got out of Rehab and is saying not-so-nice things about Someone Else who has never needed to go to Rehab. It's a tiring tale, so I'll show off my Monday Lazy Move and link you to the article RIGHT HERE – and, should you read the comments on that post, I am NOT the "Shauna" who made a comment. Geez. That's MY name. Who does this Other Shauna think she is? Answer: "Shauna."

Angelina Jolie is Still Scary Skinny and Brad Pitt is becoming Plump and wears Spanx! Horrors! Another Sex Goddess Almost Bites The Dust (which may be all she eats), and a former "Hunk" still smells like Offensive Musk.

Moving on as fast as I can to get away from what I just wrote…

I don't watch any of the Housewives Of Any City TV programs, nor do I read about those who are in them; however, the "stars" of those shows are constantly written about and I simply can't allow TDFB (me) to be left wanting for additional material, so, I am writing about them right now in one big lump, as it should be: Divorce! Arrests! Fights! Pettiness! Drunks! That covers it, right?

And, the above covers it for me on how far we'll go on this Fluffy Monday.

Until next time, have a Wonderful Whatever!

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