Thursday, August 8, 2013

Not So Fast!

Isn't it "time" for the U.S. to have a Female President? Isn't it likely that Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State; Senator; Long-Suffering First Lady, would be the Logical Choice? 

Of course!

Is she "qualified"? Of course again; in fact, more so than many of our past (and possibly current) presidents have been for the role.

Do I support her? Yes, I do. BUT, and there is usually a BUT to almost anything I write or say, unlike all of the Early Game Pundits and die-hard Hillary fans, I'm not looking at 2016 right now. I'm looking at Today, August 8, 2013, a few months shy of one year away from the next USA Political Election in 2014.

What is up with the incessant focus our culture has developed with ignoring matters of importance in politics that are happening NOW (beyond the usual nattering's all of us have fallen into regarding GOP madness and the Do Nothing But Complain Congress)? I don't care if it's the Clinton People spinning the wheel of "Hillary 2016" or the Big Bad Supposed Elite Liberal Media or my friends on social media or whomever - to me, it's simply Too Soon to begin predicting anything at all for the future.

If our current politicians won't do anything truly radical to fix our developing environmental problems, deal with our "Enemies" in a manner that will tame the flame of discord, warding off additional wars, then who knows what kind of world it will be in 2016? When That Time Arrives, and if I'm still alive, what I'll be looking for in a President is whoever I believe in my gut is the most capable of handling whatever life is like THEN. Hillary may be The One. Maybe not.

Let's just sit back and see how everything plays-out for a year or two before potential contenders for what I now believe has to be The Worst Job In The World begin their campaign announcements and "glad-handing." For all anyone knows, between now and then, someone else may slip out of the shadows who could give Hillary Supporters a harsh jolt. Who would that be? One never really knows (unless you're bought by the Koch Brothers).

Stop rushing everything, America! Cease with the "Next" the second an election is over! Perhaps if our Professional Mouthpieces would focus on Today's Real Issues beyond hollow yelling, pontificating, preidcting the future, more people would grasp how important The Present is to a Tomorrow we may never know in one form or another.

On that Happy Note I will say:That's all she wrote and wants to write on this Breezy Summer Day in 2013.

Thanks for stopping by!

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