Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Who Deserves A Flog Today?

The Flogging Whip is feeling rather indelicate today. It really, really is pissed angry. Why? Have you been following the insane comments about rape that several assholes men have been spouting in the past week? Are these people emotionally stable? Who are these guys, anyway? Who voted them into office or will try to do so? Equally empty-headed uneducated in Human Reproduction fools constituents? People who would believe the earth was flat were it not for modern science telling them otherwise? Are their heads flat? The attitude that politicians such as Paul Ryan express regarding abortion fill me with fear and loathing dread. Hey, Menz! Women aren't telling you what to do with your balls Little Friend's Friends, are they? Such as when guys decide to get a Vasectomy? Gee, isn't that a form of Birth Control of a permanent kind, almost akin to abortion? Yeah, sure, they're just carrying the seed and the female is carrying the egg, and until both meet under any circumstance, "consensual" or not,  the justification is that no "Life" has been lost. I get that argument. But tell me, if you will, how would you (if you're a man) feel if politicians were pounding anti-Vasectomy Laws in your face? Telling you what you can and can not do with your body? Refusing to fill your penis pumper Viagra prescription as some jerk person at the pharmacy refuses to fill a woman's Birth Control Rx? Hypocritical much? And what about those incredibly moronic ignorant and insulting comments suggesting that a woman who has been raped and becomes pregnant must have "allowed" it (pregnancy) to happen based on "cooperating" with the Rapist? I shake with rage at the small-minded pea-brained lack of understanding what rape really is. For example, how would these politicians feel if they were raped? Just "lay back and enjoy it" as one disgusting perverse minded Menz of Power suggested a few years ago? Hey you, Mr. Jackass dick-head Morals, how would you like to bend over while a really Big Guy grabs you in a choke-hold and shoves a baseball bat up your butt? Would you enjoy that? Or, how about having your head smashed against a wall while a Really Scary Looking Guy pins your hands behind your back and rams his extremely un-wanted-by-you Baby Maker into your anus while biting your ear off? You know, all those loving, romantic things Rapists do to their prey. Gonna "lay back and enjoy it"? Why should I bother to continue this rant when it's clear we are dealing with a group of Neanderthals Crazy People? I've written enough. The point has been made.

Now, what's all this fuss about Prince Harry running around his Vegas hotel suite nude?


  1. YOU GO SHAUNA! Who would have thought that in 2012 women would be once more burned at the stake accused of "bewitching" powers over men plus deserving of violence by a man ending in pregnancy? Have these wingnuts been holding their breath for 30 years to bring all progress to a halt? In November we will bring their reign of horror toward women to a halt!

    FUCK THEM! Not feeling as "delicate" as you today in my outrage.


  2. Jana - Keep on ranting. It's good for the soul.
