Sunday, August 5, 2012

Grasping At 'Ahhhh's'?

Has it come to this? Much ado is a-doing within certain online circles over the (gasp) so-called PDA exhibited a few days ago by Prince William and his Katie, Duchess Of Something-Or-Other, aka Future Queen, while at the Olympics. Thrilled at a Gold Medal win for Great Britain, William and wife forgot who and where they are/were, and threw their arms around each other while smiling with glee!

Imagine that! A Royal Couple showing spontaneous emotion! However, that is as far as it went. Heaven Forbid had it lasted. William is said to be "relieved" that their sudden hugging (aka, being real Human Beings), didn't invite the "Kiss Cam" invasion wherein he and his wife would be publicly pushed into a Kiss For The Masses to see on Huge Monitors placed around the venue.

I'm with William on that sort of thing. To be pushed-into a Major PDA can be embarrassing for even Us Commoners. Yeah, I know when I was younger and pulling-off PR stunts and reveling in being The Rebel I had always been, often without trying, I would have made great use of the opportunities everyone now has to be The Center Of Attention. It went with my territory: I was planning to be a professional actress; was acting on stage, and was always acting in one way or another in public. What Gasps I could have created on such a Monitor! Even silly things, not necessarily X-Rated.

Oh, I've wandered off again.....

But back we go to the primary point of how Royal Watchers have been gob-smacked by the possibility that Kate and William might still have Le Hot's for each other! All because they hugged. In public. Spontaneously. With Harry nearby not chatting-it-up with Kate while Prince William focuses off into the distance, leaving many to wonder if Harry and Kate are a bit "too friendly" of late?

Silly, isn't it? The gossip over Kate and Harry? Simply because Harry appears to engage her at public events far more than William. The difference is, should anyone care to ponder, is that Prince William is certain to become King one day and was raised, post-Diana, by The Windsor's to embed within him the History-Laden Responsibility he was to the manor born. Beyond losing his hair once the reality set-in, he has been prepped to be seen at almost all events as Regal, at the very least, keeping his hands firmly clasped together, ignoring The Wife to show allegiance to whatever the event is all about and those who are attached to it.

So, what's a Not-Quite-Royal-Yet, Kate Middleton, to do? Laugh at her Brother-In-Law's jokes rather than standing like a stiff mannequin at the Mercy Of The Queen, is how I see it.

Beyond all of the Royal Watching in combo with The Olympics, London is doing quite well with the havoc from what I can tell. The Closing Ceremonies on August 12 may be much more to my liking than the Opening. By then, most of the remaining Olympians will have had their fill of Big Mac's - and all of that sex we continue to hear about oozing from the Olympic Village - which will add more sparkle than not to the shiny night stadium lights.

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