Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tamp It Down, GOPer's

While the RNC jumps into higher gear for their convention, Hurricane/Tropical Storm Isaac continues it's swirling, twirling, dizzying dance over the Gulf, flooding the Gulf Coast States and knocking out power for at least 65% of New Orleans. It's Mother Nature In Action, although being slightly coy with where she wants to wreak the most havoc: In New Orleans? Gulfport, Mississippi? Biloxi? Further up into Louisiana where no one is prepared?

She is nearing New Orleans, approx. 40 miles away, possibly considering whether or not to test a few of the levees that were not fixed – completely – following Katrina. So far so good in the test, as at least two hapless men are stuck in a truck by one of the less-comforting levees which is going through an "over-topping" experience and require rescue, similar to the RNC Convention which has yet to go OTT in a direct way for the official presidential nominee, but may still require rescue measures if Ron Paul And Friends get their way.

But never fear. Drama abounds beyond the storm. The GOPer's threw a wingnut into the mix when someone tossed literal nuts at an African-American CNN Reporter covering the convention while shouting something to the effect of "that's how we feed the animals." I have an idea. Let's take that person to one of the scary areas in NO where evacuations are now in full force and let them sit in a stuck vehicle without emergency assistance because their GOP party wants to cut Emergency Funding for little things like Hurricanes, Torrid Fires, flattened towns from Monstrous Tornadoes and so on. Gee, too bad you gotta hang in there for hours until help arrives. If you're hungry, have what's left of your peanuts because that's how we treat our stranded citizens who may soon be turning into fish. Then all you'll need are few strips of oil-tainted seaweed to survive.

Although the U.S. Open is upon us, the RNC Convention is limping along in Tampa, Prince Harry is still being bashed for running around like a youngish wild boy with "undesirables" who MAY have made a video of his escapades in Vegas, I think I'll keep my TV on The Weather Channel today because watching the reality of what Mother Nature can do always inspires me to remember who holds the Upper Hand on this planet. Humbling and fascinating at the same time.

Oh, and for those who have a very sick sense of humour, there is nothing quite like watching reporters in full rain gear standing in the middle of empty streets, bracing against the wind, and slopping around in almost knee-high street floods. A few have sometimes fallen. During 2004's Hurricane Ivan, MSNBC viewers were treated to the unexpected vision of Joe Scarborough doing a back flip into the sand of a Pensacola beach while Ron Reagan Jr. slipped under cover in a nearby garage a few feet away to finish his broadcast with eyes wildly wide open in shock.  As if viewers don't "get" how windy and rainy it is out there in the Wilds Of Nature through the lens of a camera on the crashing ocean waves, bending, snapping trees, and recurring footage of one street sign that happened to topple over.

The storm/hurricane is not yet over, more damage is on its way. Just like the convention. Tonight is Paul Ryan's night to get the dead GOP juices going. Anyone have an umbrella to shield themselves from all of the BS that will fall from his smirky mouth? No? Oh, that's right. Umbrellas are banned inside the Convention Hall. You know, just in case someone feels like pulling a James Bond on Mitts & Company.

Party on, GOPer's! Your biggest Storm Cloud already hit the stage last evening in the form of New Jersey Gubner Chris Christie, everyone's example of America's Obesity Problem. I wonder how many of Ann Romney's Welsh Cakes he ate before following her speech wherein he contradicted almost everything she said.

Well organized in message; perfect location for a convention during Hurricane Season. Yep. That's a group I want to ruin, uh, run the country.

Stay tuned...

Image via: (twitter/jamiefox1)


  1. watching paul ryan speak . all i want to do is knock that widow's peak off his foehead and make him stop talking like he's a golly-gee-whiz virgin. unbeieavble.

    /me again

