Friday, December 30, 2011

Eat, Drink (?) & Be Careful

As I plan the menu for my New Year's Eve celebration in the safety of mine abode (which is usually a preference for numerous reasons), I chanced upon the following article and was once more in delightful alignment with fellow Pisces Elizabeth Taylor. She knew how to do it right! I am thinking along the same lines - with one exception: no "grey babies" for me right now. My wallet just fell on the floor in tears for even thinking about it. Oh How Fabulously Decadent

The dearly departed legend and I have always shared a few things in common: a love of overindulgence; passionate, stormy romances; horrendous choices in same; one health problem after another; creating controversy without trying, and a strong love of food. (But I'm not a huge fan of jewelry, and I've met Eddie Fisher, and I doubt I would have ever gone there...even back then.) Nevertheless, this New Year's Eve will find me toasting to Miss Taylor's memory while I have a lovely taste-fest of some of my favourite foods. Yum!

I'll be back tomorrow, though I have no idea what I will write. Should you be gone and unable to check in, know that I greatly appreciate all of you who drop in on a daily basis and have made TDFB grow considerably in readership over a bit more than a year of its existence. Thank you for putting-up with my spelling and grammatical errors, too. And, of course, the sometimes subtle and, for a moment, not-so-subtle design change.

FYI for those who try to post under your Google accounts and find that your comments aren't "up" - all I can tell you is that Blogger has yet to provide a reason to me for this glitch. Yet I stay here because WordPress, although an excellent platform, doesn't accept the widgets I use on this site and another one I am building.

So, for now, I Blogger on.....


  1. Looking forward to another year!! Keep up the good work. John

  2. Thanks, John. I was beginning to think you had gone AWOL! Truly appreciate your support. xxoo
