Monday, October 17, 2011

Where Did Sunday Go?

Hello again. It's your frightfully half-mad, half-funny, sometimes bitchy and other times itchy-to-flog blogger showing up to hopefully entertain you on this new weekday morning/afternoon/evening wherever you are.

Continuing on with the health saga, here I am following hip replacement surgery yesterday.

That's right. Hip replacement.

Jeez. Sounds kinda old, doesn't it? Oh well, if it means I can walk, then I'll live with the stigma. It's also to be noted that I didn't have dental surgery despite the seemingly gentle, careful way in which I protect half of my face.
In a pondering mood at the moment my image was surreptitiously captured in digital form, I wonder what I was thinking.  It's possible I was contemplating the previous 48 hours.

After weeks of horrendous pain, twice-weekly blood monitoring for the blood clot that was freaking everyone out but me (why I wasn't that concerned is a mystery), I may have been in a fogged dose of quiet relief to know I could be turning a major corner now that the fracture had been discovered and the surgery to repair it was finished.

Yep. The fracture was "quite messy" as the doctor indicated after he viewed (with what I gather was quasi-horror) the X-ray that finally provided the missing link of why the ailment/pain has/had gone on for so long.

I had the pleasure of seeing the X-ray and now I understand why my doctor and all of the hospital staff on my floor and in the ER are talking about how I am the first "hip fracture" they've ever seen who could move around on crutches without passing out, as well as maneuver in and out of bed, sit up, and stand up (placing NO weight on the leg and foot), with the help of those trusty crutches to provide compression relief - a position with less pain than others and, conversely, the ultimate reason for the hip fracture from the falling-asleep-at-the-crutch tumble onto hard floor tiles approx 4 weeks ago.

It IS an ugly looking confluence of misplaced bones to be sure. And to imagine dragging the swollen, sore leg around all of that time without further incident is testament to how the body can adapt to the strangest challenges.

However, I haven't been all ponder-y. I've inadvertently entertained the nursing staff with droll self-deprecating remarks, and "defying reality" (they are saying) by continuing to do things not expected of anyone in my condition - before and after surgery. Okay. That's nice to hear. All I will say is that I'm surprised that they are surprised. I have been doing what is natural to me, which means I was not to be in full bed rest - and though dicey at times, since Labor day, crutched around doctor's offices and the house with cautious abandon.

I have a cheerful attitude as well.  Any nurse or doctor will tell you how refreshing it is to walk into a room where the patient is smiling. Funny that, because I frown and look miserable when I go to my wallet and the wallet is bare. But hey! Give me a fractured hip and I'm just peachy.

But then, as I've written elsewhere, there's nothing like breakfast in bed, clean sheets and narcotics.

 Happy Monday to all!


  1. Get plenty of rest dear Shauna, don't overdo it, or push beyond your capabilities. As usual, you are in my thoughts and prayers. John

  2. Speedy and swift recovery is on my Rx for you! Looking good for having surgery same day, kiddo.

  3. Shauna, I thoroughly admire your humor in the midst of what has to be an unpleasant route of the previous weeks. Thank you for sharing your ups and downs within the political and celebrity umbrella of the blog. Great fun to read, even when you're ditzy in a post. I guess that's how you stay sane?

    Your Secret Admirer
