Saturday, October 8, 2011

So What Else Is New These Daze?

Sending empathy to those who live with pain every day. Let's flog it! Not fun. Nope. Not. At. All. Tho' I've been there a thousand times in my life, this latest situation is beyond the pale. That's what's not so new these daze.

If you have been living in Pain's Hell for a long time, BLESS YOU and hang in there.

(And yes, for a while I'll continue to blather away on this topic as it is something many face each day and is an often misunderstood health condition. I've edited this post from yesterday's odd natterings because I was writing under the inlfuence of too much medication. Heh!)


  1. SZ, thank you for all of us who live with pain every day. We hope your situation doesn't fall into that category when all is said and done.-- Your friends in agony, US.

  2. Wow! You all are right on top of it! Hang in everyone. No one understands until it happens to them. I was there years ago but forgot what it was like until now. How grateful for all who don't have this issue - temp or perm - should be.

    Thanks for taking the time to send your message.
